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Pro tips:

1. No sleepovers. There are times when it works (really drunk late-night sex!), but otherwise, pull up your drawers and be on your merry way. Or send him on his. If you're the type who feel weird after casual sex, trust me: you'll feel less weird about it when there's no sleepover. There's less time for

Yay! So funny!

David Carradine would approve.

Ringo Starr has a cameo in the Powerpuff Girls' new special as a "flamboyant mathematician" named... FIBONACCI SEQUINS.

This face is the greatest reaction I can imagine. I really wish I could have heard his thoughts at this moment in time. "What do we do? Do we ignore it? Do we leave? This is so uncomfortable. I just wanted to watch the game. Uch, drunk people."

You mad

It's not in before, it's inb4. Jesus.

No one speaks to His Majesty that way, console peasant.

Oh Gabe, this was your best opportunity to drop the HL3 bomb. "Well, we have Half Life 3." Drop the mic, then disappear and announce six months later that the game has been delayed with no firm release date on the horizon.

"I'm not a bigot! I'm not bi-anything! That's fucking disgusting!"

Saying Tebow is a replacement level QB is a gross exaggeration of his abilities in the NFL. Kluwe is THE greatest punter in franchise history... Tebow is the beneficiary of a horrifically blow coverage in a playoff game.

Are you actually surprised your coaches didn't want you helping the Bears and the Packers?

I always wondered why the beautiful Nikki Cox felt compelled to get all that unnecessary plastic surgery. I think I finally got my answer.

Wow, Someone who is THIS casual has a job working for Kotaku trying to tell us about games? I have over 311 hours on ONE game. I've racked up thousands of hours this year. Please, just go get a job at starbucks, you look like you'd fit right in.

Does 2 hrs on Fire Emblem even count as playing it?

long-winded post about nothing but self-indulgent narcissism.

I don't have anything against breeders or IV raisers, I just like to play with Pokemon that look cool or have good move sets. I like to play Pokémon casually, and guess that's all I wanted to say...

I couldn't care less about "perfect natures" or IVs or whatever dream world traits or jargon is going on...

He's a little young but you can't forget John Slattery!