Kaykay says spring is here

No! Just tell her you've already spent a lot of money on two different dresses for the last two weddings that fell through, and you aren't prepared to keep spending money on dresses just for her. She can either choose to have her bridal party in the red or turquoise of the last dresses, or you will not be in the

I find it so weird that the expectation in the US is for the bridesmaids to buy their own dresses. How the fuck did that even happen?

Why don't you just give your bridesmaid's a colour and let them buy something within their price range? If you're worried, you can ask them to send you a link of the dress before they buy it. Even if they are not all the EXACT same shade of blue or whatever, I think it would be beautiful to have a range of shades in

I just came back to notice about a gabillion replies to my comment on this (yes: I am exaggerating) so thought I would just write a new comment rather than respond to everyone separately, because I am far too lazy.

I can't believe you would miss out the fact that he personally went and spent time with sick children, dressed as Jack Sparrow at Great Ormond street hospital, to thank them for what they did for his own child. He wasn't just edgy and cool, he was also a good person. And now? Has two children with a woman he was with

But I'm not saying that they shouldn't be in the space, any more than cismen shouldn't be in the space. But I do feel that the issues involved - even if equally serious issues - are different.

But I'm not arguing for gender exclusivity - I'm saying that it's important that the dominant voice is that of women. It's the same in circles talking about race issues.

This is a beautiful, mature and classy response to people who deserve much less than that.

Hit send too fast. Yes, I agree with that strip, but in my own personal view, I also want to avoid a situation where it becomes problematic to talk about women's issues without it being completely overshadowed by arguments coming from different areas within the community.


And that's fine. I don't think that there is a "right" or "wrong" type of feminism. I don't have a problem with people having a broader definition of feminism, provided that the root cause - which is, in essence, women's rights, is not overtaken or drowned out. That doesn't mean there isn't space for other issues.

I guess this ties into the fundamental question of what feminism is for. My understanding of feminism is that it strives for equal rights and treatment for women in society. That does not mean hating men, or trying to take away their freedoms. It means striving for the same freedoms that men have.

Thanks for your views. I agree with your last sentence - but I'm not sure how saying that men get a place in a room but not a place at the table is kicking them out in an authoritarian manner.

But by discussing those issues in a female space it simply goes further to re-enforce the idea that trans men are not "real men" but rather "women who want to pretend to be men", and I still believe it would have negative repercussions for trans women in feminist places to be honest.

Gosh. Okay. First off as I often do I'm going to caveat this by openly admitting my knowledge and experience of trans issues is borderline zilch. I think it's better to be open about ignorance in a particular field rather than being all "I have an opinion therefore I am right".

Actually it was in Tokyo that we noticed the massive vaccuum where PDA would normally exist, and where the worst of the staring happened (if we held hands or had an arm over the other's shoulder). People seemed less uptight in Osaka (they wouldn't stare at us quite so much), but we still saw no outward PDA's

Wait, is this guy operating in Paris?

Apologies - I understand that there are different ethnic groups within Japan, I was trying to use a catch all term for people that when a Japanese person looks at in the street, they think "Japanese person" and not "foreign person".

Hi Kat, I am not sure I understand the arguments here.

It's extremely sad that the immediate reaction of so many people here is "BuT wHaT AbOuT HiS RIGHTS??"