Kaykay says spring is here

Anti male world!??????!!!!!

What I find weird is that men genuinely seem to think that this works. Like, if you are super creepy to a thousand women a day, maybe once a week you might get a date.

You are insane. If you are happy in your relationship then you don't give two shits who your "hot friends" are dating, providing they are nice people. We have mutual friends that are great looking, and I would set them up in a heartbeat if I knew anyone I thought they would be compatible with. I would love for them to

That's completely untrue. When I was single I had a number of male friends who were absolutely AWESOME people, but just had no romantic interest in them as our personalities were too different. You are doing people in general a disservice - you can be friends with someone who is absolutely amazing, but not be

I loved this video because of how amazingly willing the family are to open their eyes to what their child is telling them. And I love it even more that the first time I came across this on facebook, it was posted by one of my old Catholic teachers who taught at a fairly strict Catholic school, with the title "a family

Jesus christ. I mean, I don't exactly follow what's going on with this woman's life (or celebrity stuff overall), but she has lost an insane amount of weight since the last time I saw her picture in a paper (when she had just given birth and got pregnant again about a month afterwards). But to be fair, I can't even

Because when 59 children are killed it is awful and horrendous, but what can you do afterwards? The situation is heartbreakingly over for those children. What CAN you do? With these children they are still alive (we hope), still at this moment suffering, and there is a chance that they could be saved. So people are

By contrast, if you put on more than 12kg during your pregnancy the chances are that your doctor will tell you that you need to go on a diet and might make you cry.

Hmm. If she doesn't already have Japanese friends with babies she might want to look into their birthing system. It's fucking horrendous. I have a lot of time for Japan, but their views on childbirth are from the stone age. Pain relief is not provided because the agony of childbirth is meant to "bond" you with your

I asked Mr Kay Kay once if he would mind if I earned more than him and he looked at me as if I was insane "....would I mind if we had a shit ton of money between us? Err....no. BUT WE COULD NEVER TELL YOUR FATHER".

I don't think it's shitty that he has no stake in whatsoever though. I mean, you mentioned Mayweather by name, so I assume we are talking about this specific situation for the moment. I would not want a man like that to have any say over whether his partner chooses to continue the pregnancy or not. He has already

But isn't this sort of obvious? If you're in a stable relationship then you have two people to share the burden of two children - probably two incomes as well. So the physical and financial effort of raising the children is shared. If you are a single parent then all of that falls on you.

Actually the married example is really not that rare. I honestly think that many people don't realise this, so don't judge you at all for not having thought about it in the past. People don't really talk about it because the people involved are "a respectable couple" who probably already have children, etc.

I don't know if you are trolling, but your comments are really demonstrating a huge amount of ignorance. Suddenly becoming a lone parent is in NO WAY a "petty" reason for deciding to terminate a pregnancy. Even in a non abusive relationship, if you get pregnant and think "well, I'm terrified, but hey, at least there's

Did you slap him?

Maybe these women love their kids more than their husbands because their husbands are philandering pieces of shit that expect them to stay between barefoot in the kitchen and naked in the bedroom.

Thanks. I can understand why people would not want to get married before marriage equality had been introduced. But the rest seems like Guardian reading, kale roasting bullshit. If you want the legal benefits, then get married. No-one is forcing people to refer to their partner as husband or wife. Civil ceremonies

I see your anecdote, but...it's a bit like saying "I want to have my cake and eat it too". We want fun legal benefits but we don't want the pain of being married.

A PACS is basically a formalised common law marriage (at least the principle behind a common law marriage - I don't know about France but in the UK that doesn't exist in law to any real degree). A PACS is basically - as you say - a way to stay with a non French partner in the UK with fewer legal problems, or for

.........separation between church and state? In the UK? .......Are you drunk?