Because their views are backwards and discriminatory. That's like saying "why should views on pro choice trump their views on letting a woman die rather than giving her an abortion", which actually happened recently.
Because their views are backwards and discriminatory. That's like saying "why should views on pro choice trump their views on letting a woman die rather than giving her an abortion", which actually happened recently.
N. Ireland is never going to accept this in their legislation. Look at the farce which is their abortion laws because RELIGION. Gay marriage will be perceived the same way. Some of the government offices were flying rainbow flags today, and it made me extremely happy. It might be worth pointing out that gay marriage…
Considering that every person is going to have different views on terminology and even the finer nuances thereof (asterix vs no asterix), I don't think it is ever going to be possible to reach a consensus on what is the "correct" terminology people should be using. Whilst, of course, it's important that no one is…
woops, sorry!!! I'm feeling pretty under the weather today so must have had a brain freeze!
Hmm. I'm not sure that I can agree that the UK doesn't use non conventionally attractive women on our TV shows - if anything, I would say that the UK has WAY more diversity on popular tv shows than US counterparts. Take the office for example and compare the main characters. The US version seems to have deliberately…
But both of these are typically eurovision tacky - I wouldn't say they are as good as the new one!
Yeah, but divorce is acceptable in a number of christian denominations, but adultery is never accepted.
This song isn't bad enough to be a eurovision entry.
"What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.'"
Greece and Italy is much better than it used to be. There used to be a wide assumption that girls from other parts of the EU were all whores since they weren't "good strict Catholic/Orthodox Christians" etc. I think nowadays it's pretty much the same for women there regardless of origin (from a street harassment…
I would have a serious problem with unisex bathrooms - as in, just one room with a number of stalls and urinals that everybody used.
A St Patrick's day celebration is not a St Patrick's day celebration without Guinness. That's like celebrating Guy Fawkes without fire or fireworks. JUST WRONG.
I think he might have better things to do. Like, I don't know...working pretty closely with Eamon Gilmore? Having bi laterals with EU counterparts on Crimea?
Sure why not.
Nihal is a DUDE!
That's possible...although I worked for two years with the devolved administration in northern ireland, and for two years with the ROI's overseas department, so I'm not sure how much more "political" you can get than that!
Nope, not at all. I've heard people from all across the devolved administrations using it no problem as well.
oh yea, I can understand that, but on their own heads be it.
nope, generally the language tends to be much more colourful than that when insulting each other/anyone over here!