Kaykay says spring is here

No never heard of him - is it something I should google, or would it kill my soul if I did?

wait - wat? That isn't a thing? Why is that not a thing?

"Izanami" ?

I went to a private catholic school. You didn't have to be catholic to go there (or even christian) but you had to be prepared to attend the mass, and do the hymns and stuff. But you didn't have to provide evidence of being Catholic, which would have been discriminatory and therefore against the law.

I don't think any genuinely good people become the pope.

Yes, on that issue I completely agree with you. A (well meaning) American girl actually called one of my friends "African American" to her face. It was pretty painful.

Oh yea, it's completely offensive!!!

Yea, I can see how this would be irritating. Despite some of the really problematic language here (wtf is a "black event"?), at least the author is kind of consistent about referring to "Americans"? So I guess in this context they probably think they don't need to spell out every single time that they are talking

Granted, it was one slip up, and I was in a foul mood since so many people on here seem to consider that "Europe" is some kind of inherent nationality, or that "Europe" is somehow equivalent to the European Union, which is simply moronic. So I lost my temper a bit.


The rest of the EUROPEAN UNION, not the rest of Europe.

I bet some of your best friends as British!


Thank Christ somebody has a brain.

You can say it's appropriate if you like, but that doesn't mean that your opinion actually means anything.

Everybody in the EU gets offended when you refer to them as "European" because it doesn't *mean* anything and it lumps together an incredibly diverse set of countries in one fell swoop of lazyness.


I guess because at least from my church experience (when I was younger) they don't talk about this kind of stuff at mass. They would normally talk about forgiveness, and how cool jesus bro was, and the examples of how he would treat people with kindness even when they weren't like him, or hated by the rest of society.

I think it's called being sensible?