And here I was thinking that my 484 square foot apartment was super huge compared to our last one!!
And here I was thinking that my 484 square foot apartment was super huge compared to our last one!!
God, Morrissey is a national embarrassment.
Yes. If people want others to be tolerant, then they should learn to be tolerant themselves.
When strict Christians used to make fun of Judaism, my great grandmother took massive pleasure in hissing "Jesus was a Jew you know. Have you actually read your Bible?" at them.
Actually the Illiad would be listed under poetry, you epic epic moron.
You are the voice of reason amongst the sea of spite.
I find this to be absolutely brilliant.
Those two sentences are exactly the same thing.
WELP, wish they had been available for the journeys that we needed to do, rather than the noisy trains of seed shells and sadness that we were on!
They have Shinkansen in China?!?! I know there are high speed trains (obvs) but I thought the luxury that is the shinkansen was unique to Japan?!!
I did note that very fact in my response to you...
I can understand that it's frustrating, but your post does come across as a bit of a rant at UKBA. Many of the comments in response have been a long the lines of "yeah isn't it so ANNOYING AND STUPID" (which obviously I understand that you have no control over). I used to work in a different department of UKBA, and so…
Perhaps you might be finding that asian women are shunning YOU in favour of other men in general (who are statistically more likely to be white), because you are a complete an utter cock.
"Yellow fever" is a phrase very commonly used by the asian community (at least where I am from). I don't see how you have a right to tell asian people that they shouldn't be using it, just like white people can't wag their fingers and tell black people that they can't use the N word.
I once had a very enlightening conversation with a Japanese friend about this issue.
Well, that's interesting, since my Japanese friends in the UK have had the opposite experience. We don't have a lot of immigration from Japan, so a Japanese girl would have to be absolute doggedly determined to be with someone Japanese - regardless of personality or any other qualifying factor. Three of them are with…
They can already do this.
Isn't the legal age to own a gun in the US 16?