Kaykay says spring is here

Sid has already replied to this, but this also relates to sexual health services.

I think the separation aspect is to try and establish a "safe" atmosphere - especially for the girls, and to prevent embarrassment. If a girl wants to ask questions about sex or the pill, do you think she is going to be more comfortable doing this out of sight of the young guys around her, so that they don't label her

The opt out is to protect "religious sensitivities" for students in public schools with religious parents, which frankly I think is complete an utter bullshit. Sex education should be compulsory for all students. That said, even at my (private) Catholic school, we still had sex education. Not that much, but it


I don't even think that it's people assuming that "Oh look the fatty wants all my space - raaaggggeeeee hate theeemmm".

Except that the poster isn't saying "YOU CAN NEVER TOUCH ME EVER". I think everybody understands that there are some instances in which it can't be helped. Like on the metro - you obviously try not to touch people at ALL, but I have straight up fallen face first into someone sitting down when the train has braked very

She is a beautiful woman, but I've never quite figured out how I feel about her as a person. She comes across as very up herself, but I'm not sure why.

I don't think they are the same age, but George Clooney is certainly getting on.

PJ Harvey is REJECTED.

Right....in defense of UKBA (by the way, UKBA has always been part of the Home Office - it's an agency of the Home Office).

Well, that's EU quality for you!

I think if I was on a dating site it would be:

Snarkychu, posted on Friday at 7.44pm (Jezebel time):

If you like his wife, why on earth would you be behaving like this?*

Yes. I would back out now whilst you can. If he isn't happy with his girlfriend he needs to man the fuck up and break up with her.

What will probably upset your ex-girlfriend more than you shouting at her, is if you turn up, seem completely un-bothered by her, and dis interested in a non teenage sulking way.

What you consider essentials will probably differ from others around here, as it will depend on your habits, but for me it was:

Except that you do, in a later post in this thread. You said that you make assumptions about people's IQ's based on their race.