
You sound like you’re doing a good job despite it all. So many people eat garbage who could well afford not to. Also, frozen and canned veggies while maybe not tasting as good as fresh are still good. Don’t think they aren’t!

I demand to know how you acquired this actual photo of my cat

I liked this move better when Bonnie Hunt made it and it was Return to Me, but that might be just because I saw that one back when I was young enough to have a thing for the actresses who starred in rom-coms.

I am so infinitely glad that  when I was a teenager (a) social media didn’t exist and (b) I wasn’t famous enough for anyone to give a shit what I did.

I hate clutter too and try to minimize junk coming into my space and edit my stuff on a regular basis. But it is SO HARD with kids. My elementary aged son seems to pick up stuff left and right. Crappy Christmas toys, favors from birthday parties...And my teenagers don’t want to get rid of anything. I am not sure if it

This looks like it’s also for people who like a little BDSM with their citrus.

Is this just another version of The Happening?

Well, helloooo, Omar Sharif, Jr. That’s a handsome man right there. 

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

Unpopular opinion: I loved having school uniforms. My family couldn’t afford to buy us a wardrobe full of new clothes each year, and school uniforms made that economic gap less obvious. Plus, it made getting ready each morning a lot easier—no fussing about what to wear each day. You grabbed your uniform from the

Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn

Yaaaassss Loan, yaaaaassss.

This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think

Terry Crews is such a fucking treasure. I would say that it's appalling that men as old as 50 Cent and Russell Simmons are still acting like 12 year old boys in P.E. but it's not appalling at all. What sad pieces of shit they must be. 

Professional graphic designer and art director here... If Mr. Reggie’s Lawn Cutting Service would like a professional logo and few other little graphic elements to help him take things to the next level, I’d be happy to help.  I specialize in helping startups get to where they are going.  How can I reach out and ask

When are the police going to get serious about charging or at least fining people for making BS calls. This should be about a $500 fine when all the neighbor had to do is go next door, knock and say your lawn guy is over on my side of the property line.

Well these are brown children....

I feel like “startlingly” is not the right word for this situation. Perhaps “expectedly” or “obviously” would work better.

“Even learning on a campus on which some people defend perpetrators of sexual assault and silence their victims,”