
It’s so crazy how some people don’t respond well to a random “hey tell me if you’ve ever been sexually assaulted!”

But, on the bright side, we’ve managed to make #metoo about putting women on the spot and make them uncomfortable in fun new ways. It was the natural endgame.

“She always has the choice to decline to answer.”

The bigger issue here seems to be why you feel entitled to her answers, and why you think that she should have to talk about Matthew Weiner just because she has spoken out about sexism in the past.

I just cannot fathom the amount of untreated dog urine that is deposited on our streets

Wait, why is a honeymoon donation site gross? That’s what we did. We had both lived alone for years so we had plenty of things like dishes and towels and appliances, but we didn’t have money for a honeymoon. So honeyfund.com. People bought us “a gondola ride” “romantic dinner for two” etc. They got to “pick” what we

Hi! LW1 here, from the greys, most likely (pull me out!!)

Holy shit. I don’t always agree with what Jane says in these columns but CALL THE POLICE, DO IT NOW.

Yeaaaah, I think that’s a pretty weird thing to get angry at him about. He said: “I want to take a moment to just say thank you to Eve, who always stood by me for 22 years. And my four children — Clara, Esther, Jamyan and Anouk — I love you. ... There wouldn’t have been any Emmit Stussy without David Thewlis and

I wrote elsewhere that it’s notable how often all it takes to derail a woman’s career is to be labeled “difficult.” And yet people fall over themselves to work with difficult, even monstrous men.

Because he’s a predator. He’s spent his life harassing and assaulting women, and threatening them into silence. And now we know he’s also ruined their careers and lives in other ways. He can’t shut up. It’s him against them, and they were never supposed to be strong enough to overpower him.

What is wrong with this man (other than the obvious) and his PR team? Why can’t he just be quiet? Is he in any kind of legal danger because of what Peter Jackson, Salma Hayek and Lupita Nyong’o said? That’s the only reason I can think of to reply to them at all. If he just shut the hell up, the public would eventually

Do they have a word for eating cheese in strange combinations (like in cereal, or with peanut butter)? Not that I would ever do that, just curios about other cultures.

The exact opposite of hygge, in other words.

I am SO FUCKING TIRED of humanity not only being this stupid but clutching its stupidity to its chest like a filthy Barbie missing one leg with its hair chopped off and wailing that it grants wishes.

I hear it all started because someone said someone else couldn’t turn left.

I’m disappointed by the stripper shaming in the comments.

UGH. Stop throwing strippers under the bus. First we steal pole dancing, and then we mock the people who created it? No.

Bunch of judgy people in these comments.

I actually feel ashamed. On Jezebel, I’ve seen commentators speculate that Mol/Blake Lively/Paltrow/Jennifer Lawrence slept with Weinstein to forward their careers. I bitchily agreed with (and enjoyed) the basics of this argument: they’re talentless blondes whose white privilege and open vaginas are the only reasons