Kawaii Tyrant

My one complaint about the SPAM museum is that they don’t have any fucked-up SPAM varieties in the gift store (or at least, didn’t when I went in 2021). If I’m at a brand museum, I want to be able to try their weirdest varieties, like how the Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta has Beverly and other non-US soda flavors on tap.

I’m one of those rare Minnesotans, and I honestly couldn’t get past the weird gelatinous texture. I might try the steam bun, though. I’m mostly excited about the various new dumplings, which didn’t make the article because they’re not bonkers.

Ah geez, I’ve been hoping for a Twin Cities-set season for years now, but there’s no way that’s happening any time soon since they decided to visit our inferior neighbor first. I hope someone at least gets eliminated trying to make Wisconsin risotto (https://thetakeout.com/recipe-smoked-cheddar-risotto-with-beer-and-br

Well duh, you don’t have to source meat OR cheese for a video game!

How do you feel about “sammich?”

Hang on, lemme go to the ATM machine quick so I can get a bao bun and some chai tea

Oh, come on! Everyone knows that landed gentry put thousands of hours a year into making things better for the people who live on their land without receiving anything in return except a functioning community! This is a perfect comparison!!

Sasha saying “it’s not chocolate” is such a reminder of all the non-eliminations of last season that made it feel endless.

I don’t blame Loosey for denying that she wanted the lead role for lead-role reasons, given that Mistress and Luxx were brandishing it as an accusation instead of, as you say, a perfectly normal reason to want the lead role. Like, do I think that factored into her reasoning? Sure. Do I think she was right to say, “No,

It’s also worth mentioning (as the article did, and linked to a wikipedia page on it) that “it’s okay to be white” is one of those racist dogwhistles chosen by internet shitheads specifically because it sounds innocuous. So racists can use it for covert signaling without tipping off normies, and people who say, “that’s

I honestly can’t believe tipping wasn’t mentioned. What website are we on??

Do they read the articles before commenting in Italy?

It’s fuckin wimdy in my area, and while I was loading my groceries this morning, an empty cart (one of the little two-basket ones) jetted out of a cart coral on its own and plowed into a parked car. As per the shopping cart theory, I therefore conclude that the wind is a goddamn asshole.

How prominent are the jumping spiders?

Instead of doing tacos for the technical, they should’ve just done tortillas. Give the bakers like 20 minutes. Having to cook steak and make pico de gall-o (as basically everyone pronounced it) was bizarre.

Honest Kids are trash juice boxes. I don’t understand how a product that’s basically watered-down juice (which I’m fine with in principal) tastes so artificial

This mostly seems like it’d be hell for the waitstaff to have to enforce. I imagine there’s a lot of overlap between people who let their kids wreak havoc in a restaurant and people who’re shitty to service workers over management decisions. If this place doesn’t want kids there, a no kids policy seems simpler all

I wonder if drizzling more mustard on would help the flavor, or if it’d just feel discordant.

On the other hand, why have such a difficult-to-roast guest judge on a roast challenge? Ronan seemed like he was having a great time, and he certainly wasn’t a bad judge. (I’d be happy to see him come back for a competitive season!) It was just a weird choice to bring him on for an episode where the contestants can

For fuck’s sake, not everything unnecessary is a unitasker.