Anchovies + pineapple is an S-tier pizza combination. I find either a little too much on their own, but the saltiness, sweetness, and umami together is pretty much unbeatable.
Plus, no one will ask to share your pizza!
Anchovies + pineapple is an S-tier pizza combination. I find either a little too much on their own, but the saltiness, sweetness, and umami together is pretty much unbeatable.
Plus, no one will ask to share your pizza!
If the trick is to eat foods with a high water content, surely popsicles and similar ice-based frozen treats would cool you down as well as high-water-content fruit? That Healthline article is about healthy foods that cool you down; the fact that popsicles aren’t mentioned doesn’t mean they don’t work, just that…
I only clicked into this article because I thought the strawberries and butter on those pancakes were pepperonis and cheese, and I admit that I’m disappointed. I guess what I’m saying is, please make Dennis make pizza pancakes
It’s probably too late for this season, but next year I’d love to see Top Chef reviews on this site
Is there anyway I could get my takeout with no herbs?
Trisha Yearwood’s page being ranked below a malware warning brings back pleasant memories of Defector lists where the second-to-last position is “getting hit by a bus”
I’m concerned that this game will inspire impressionable people to remove all their bones and start doin’ murders
I suspect that Maddy was a little too aware of her status as The First Straight Guy. Like, it’s good that she was respectful of the queer space she was in (and judging by her comments in this reunion and elsewhere, that was a major priority for her) but I think she held back from being as sharp and funny as she could…
I also like to throw in a thing of olive oil, because it’s a fancy/treat food that’s (a) not at all hard to use, and (b) not “junk food” so it won’t get tossed
I’m not sure Leslie’s part, as written, would’ve worked for a queen (just because he didn’t have much screen time or standout bits) but you’re absolutely right that the love interest should’ve been a queen. Who the heck let Leland give himself like the third-biggest role in the Rusical??
If Maddy had worn the green dress (or a reasonable facsimile thereof), she probably would’ve been in the top so the judges could commend her on finally showing some style. And at the same time, if Kerri had worn Maddy’s look, she could’ve actually put up a fight in the lip sync
Your writing here was equal parts funny, inspired, and stupid as hell (affectionate), which made for a fantastic reading experience. I’ll really miss seeing you on this site. Best of luck on your new projects!
I’m also a boxed cake/homemade frosting kinda person—cakes are a lot easier to screw up than frosting. Allison, any chance we could get a follow-up article where you test a shitload of boxed cake mixes?
You can get 2 Jack-in-the-Box tacos for $1, which reinforces your point that one should be wary of plentiful $1 food
It would be funny if they decided to bring it back only when the McRib was also available
Thank goodness this article didn’t exist when I was a teen working at a movie theater, because I don’t think I would’ve been able to resist telling moviegoers who bought a bucket of popcorn and a Coke (mine was a Coke theater chain) to enjoy their pissy shitties
You thought Guy Fieri was Kate McKinnon‽
Alternately, do this costume, and when people ask you what you’re supposed to be, just say “Angela Merkel,” with no further explanation.
She even had a conversation with Maggie about how many legs an octopus should have!