Kawaii-Gon Jinn

Isn’t that pretty standard for getting citizenship in a country?

I still think there is a good chance we get it because there isn’t much reason to do Strange Dogs if you aren’t also going to do Laconia.

I want more expanse :(

sued a local newspaper in 2021 for defamation after the Scranton Times-Tribune mentioned a 2010 indictment against Godlewski for “corruption of a minor” in a profile about him. 

The whole Denise Gough interview is a delightful read.

I’m with Disney- not because I’m opposed to swearing, or don’t think that Star Wars should be “adult” or whatever, but I don’t like swearing in Fantasy (or Sci-Fi that is not “near future” or directly linked to Earth) because it makes it seem too connected to Earth.

positioned himself as an ethical billionaire”

“Elon tweeting us would legitimize the token,”

It actually has a lot of world-building but could also be interpreted as the story of an over-imaginative kid dealing with sibling rivalry when the new baby comes home. The Netflix show and sequel get rid of that ambiguity, of course, but the original movie is mildly thoughtful. Good god, I can’t believe I’ve become

It’s weird how the Twitter take seems to be LOOK HOW MARVEL RUINED PRODUCTION HOUSE LOGOS!!! wtf

Movies discussing the dangers of AI almost always have robots shooting at us. I’m more concerned about the AI that is capable of manipulating us.

I feel like when AI really becomes intelligent enough to threaten us, we won’t notice anything wrong at all.

she’s younger than me and Ive been gaming since i was little, not sure why it’s difficult for you to imagine.

Gronk only pawn in game of life. 

(long deep inhale)

If a company of a particular size or larger is operating without Cyber-insurance, then YES, we are blaming them for their failures. If they didn’t have that insurance, it’s likely they also failed to take the necessary precautions to protect their client’s data, which is a breach of trust and failure of duty. There

I don’t think your metaphor holds up. Under no circumstances is the way a person dresses responsible for the behavior of others.

Yeah, that didn’t work out so well for GE once Jack Welch was unable to cook the books anymore.

They’ve seemed so determined to turn Star Trek into a action show, why not set in a period that actually saw the most action?

Yea the last thing we needed from the hot gays was their opinions being validated by a bunch of horny weirdos gassing up their egos.

Best part of this whole thing is that the 4channers and weird edgelords actually think that they can out-revenue ::checks notes:: the rest of the social media-using world, most of which are at least marginally more intelligent/less weird/less in need of finding actual lives than they.