Kawaii-Gon Jinn

Are you Emily Rafi, the “democrat” who spent two cycles shit-talking west michigan dems as a bernie-aligned progressive and then (surprise!) switched parties and ran as a Trump-loving republican?

12 batteries!!

i think people are just kind of tired of superhero movies in general. And the actors don’t give off the fun-loving group vibe of Downey, Evans, Hemsworth, Johannson, etc. I think fans were invested in that franchise because they’d been together for dozens of years and films. DCEU keeps looking for that chemistry, but

You mean, we’ll have to get our news the old fashioned way by going directly to a news site (or clicking on one of the 27 taboola links at the bottom of this page)?

I’m interested in the new cx90 plug-in hybrid because it allows me to drive gas-free in my normal commute and then still rely on a gasoline engine with carrying capacity for trips to the UP or other places where I will spend 3-5 nights off the grid.

i’d love to see this because while they are both morons, if Musk gets his ass kicked by a guy who is trying his hardest to actually be a good fighter (but still a pale robot), it would be hilarious to laugh at his fans.

That’s not the same thing. At Gizmodo, the comments are not the content (if they for you, then go in peace). But in the case of actual social media sites, the user content is all there is.

really despised

well, it might make your mind less susceptible to the pain/stress that comes from cold, but your body will still have something to say about exposure.

keep talking dumbass! I’m sure your lawyers are happy.

repeal it! 1000% even if you modify it, make them responsible for the algorithm. Maybe they can’t be responsible for nazis saying nazi shit, but they can be responsible for their system that turns an individual’s internet into 100% nazi shit.

it’s quite easy to shit on him, because he’s a moron. he’s chosen to live life online since he was young and the image he’s chosen to project is one of a stupid doufus. When something he touches ends up all fucked up, it’s not exactly a leap to think that a guy who appears to have put no thought into anything beyond

i really wish somebody would murder them all.

Alright, I was on the Tesla bashing train for a good while

With every ounce of gratitude I have, thank you

guess he shouldnt have gotten an animal he had no intention of taking care of and also didn’t really look into re-homing responsibly. Paul is a piece of shit and hopefully he gets brain damage and dies broke.

It’s the media’s duty to set valueyou’ll know it when you don’t see it.

“Carrot” is a pretty sinister name for an employee benefits company.

Teenage pilots are wired differently from young drivers. I’m more concerned with older dudes looking for something expensive and flashy and they have a little less caution. See: Lidle, Halladay, etc.

what the fuck is wrong with Gizmodo commenters? It’s mild criticism of Cameron’s inability to escape his own cliches of guns and everyone loses their shit. It’s an over-long Fursona Dances with Wolves 2: The Search for More Money. Get over it.