Kawaii-Gon Jinn

And yet the bell end in charge of this project was the thick one.

What I see is the biggest reason why I don’t think AV5 will work in my lifetime.

Stefani has such a long history of appropriating SO many other cultures and American identities. She’s now a country singer’s wifey y’all.

Proof that valuations are bullshit.

This fucking guy.

Aw, sweet! That means the drought is OFFICIALLY over, now, so we can go back to watering anything and everything instead of learning from this experience and drafting/instituting lasting legislation to combat the persistent drought reality in the US Southwest!”

stanley kubrick never said, with his whole chest ‘i don’t like guns, really’ and then made a movie where the good guys get all the guns to kill the other guys with the guns

we’re not frazzled, just tired. why would a big budget movie making big bucks frazzle us?? that’s literally a wednesday around here.

Yeah, maybe it’s just from running Special Transport missions in trucksim but with a load like that I would have expected an escort and right-of-way... and, you know, access to train schedules. Negligence on someone’s part, for sure.

if the truck driver was really just sitting there waiting for a green light doesn’t make him at fault? You have to be sure you can cross your entire vehicle before attempting to cross any kind of intersection right?

I get the impression that this is why Tom Cruise still wants to make movies

If Binance goes down in flames, he's going to need more than a feeling.... More like a few billion in cash money.

Considering how he has a VESTED INTEREST to lie if things are going badly (and how can they NOT be going badly?), I wouldn’t believe anything coming out of his mouth.

A lot of the complaints about this movie boil down to personal taste, but the one that always kills me is the laughable claim that it “ruins Luke’s character.”

Probably because Lucas made the entire OT up as he went along.

And yet almost nobody talks about Rise of Skywalker. TLJ tried something. TRoS gave us cool scene vignettes (well, some at least) with no cohesion.

So, either this people don’t know how to read a clock or a calendar, or they’re being willfully idiotic in attaching criticism to a private citizen as though he was truly in control of the government at the time.

I’m still struggling to find actual “misconduct” here.

So far, the main themes seem to be:
1) The Trump White House and Biden campaign both asked for select posts to be taken down. So far, the only named ones are from the Biden campaign asking to remove dick pics of Hunter Biden.
2) There’s no government involvement

Man, does that sentence need a comma.