Kawaii-Gon Jinn

As a man of a certain age, I can attest that a knee, elbow or shoulder can be an express ticket to misery. 

I mean making anime refrences to joke about this isn’t in good humor.

Oh boy are you about to be disappointed. Not only have I now written about counterweights, but I’ve also written about blue anodized wheel cylinders:

I couldn’t disagree more.

I liked the coupe when it came out, I like it now and I liked it the whole time in between. Aside from this model you’re dead on.

I mean, I don’t know the intricacies of the situation, but how on earth are they “continuously misrepresenting [her] brand in public”? She crashed a performance, and they’re saying she...crashed a performance.

And Crunchyroll probably pays for the privilege, and Toei makes money. 

Well it’s an Irish youtuber taking Japanese footage so American fair use policy isn’t really applicable, but of course I believe in Fair Use, and a lot of channels work within those confines, showing short clips, images and relevant to the point samples.

that is a key point. I’m from the Siskel and Ebert generation ( Christ I’m old).

Siskel and Ebert didn’t go into a movie theatre, film the movie on a camera then put it on their show. The movie studio gave them the clips, and had a say on what clips could and couldn’t be shown.

What’s wrong is that this is what the Jalopnik commentariat has devolved into. We all used to be car fans but now all we do is bitch every time a company brings back an old concept because we think it can’t possibly recapture the magic we remember seeing through the rose-colored lenses of our youth. Not that it

Wait...so you mean a bunch of dudes who run around calling people “beta cucks” online are, in fact, beta cucks?

‘Listen, I would love to, but the way that you present yourself is not something I want to be associated with.”

GWAR is the only band that should ever be booked for Superbowl halftime shows.

I am one of those people who thinks that Marcia Lucas is as essential to the original trilogy as George, but the killing of Han Solo is obvious; Harrison Ford wanted him dead. It was either kill Han Solo or no Han Solo.

‘plane owners are among the moneyed crowd”
Complete and utter bullshit. We’ve had to fight that idiotic myth since the 1903s.
Visit a local public GA airport, talk to pilots and owners then get back to us.
Once last point, where the hell do you think newly minted commercial pilots moving the airlines come from?
If you say

One of the things that continues to amaze me is how many people are running around out here with absolutely NO self-control whatsoever. This guy was just driving along, saw a news truck and instantly became so emotional that he absolutely had to confront the crew. He pulls off the road onto the grass, hops out and

On the bright side. No worms. 

yeah, but gay people can act homophobic, like black people can be racist. See: Candace Owens.