Kawaii-Gon Jinn

the Wright brothers developed the shape and angle-of-attack of their airfoil by mounting tiny “wings” vertically on a bicycle and then observed how it deflected in the oncoming wind when riding it.

not a holographic tree. It’s a Persistence of Vision tree.

Fucking gamers chairs. There are scores of nice, well-designed, ergonomic chairs you can use that don’t make you look like Kirk Van Houten.

keep your cat inside people!

I doubt your sincerity, but thank you for not invoking the first amendment. There are people “on the right” saying this is not that big a deal. There is not that much here that shows some vast conspiracy between Dems and Twitter. Stay mad, geek.

So much for free speech.

Woody Harrelson as Old Amos, please.

But she’s from earth, not ferrix.

no you’re right. What’s a cuss on earth is not a cuss on Ferrix.

i dont really care much, but i think the cuss words aren’t necessary because we don’t know what would be considered a cuss in the Ferrix system. Keeping the language as broad as general seems to be a better storytelling method as nothing too specifically taboo will trip anybody else up. And I’m not a big fan or

“Doors and corners. That’s where they get you, kid.”

not only is there no such thing, but organizations should never repeat his claims. if i went around telling people i was the consummate lover and can satisfy every man and woman, there’s no way any organization should even append the phrase “positioned himself”! It’s completely unverifiable! 

The Good Dinosaur is literally a movie for babies and kids younger than 8. Go see somebody for your anger issues.

in the third book of the Three Body Problem, the point is that AI isn’t capable of true deterrence since it lacks the ability to have a little madness in its methods.

Good. Should have just put it in a bank. Even a tiny amount of interest on 650 million is still a lot. Instead they have ZERO.

I loved it when Altman made the dialogue unintelligible in Catch-22. It’s REALLY LOUD IN WWII BOMBER PLANES SO EVEN SHOUTING DOESNT HELP MUCH.

just a reminder that drake is a pervy-ass pedo groomer.

Considering people were mad about XIII being lead by a white woman, and dudes were mad they couldn’t fap to a realistic model of a women in Horizons, and dudes were mad there were dark skinned Hobbits, and all this shit? I’d say it’s the opposite of what you say.

It can be challenging to assign distinctive ethnicities...inviting unwarranted speculation, and ultimately stoking flames of controversy

sure but by then Jack was gone and all the books calling him a genius are already published.