
I was invited last second to a Pampered Chef party and it was a really weird experience. Didn’t help that because I was invited last second, no one knew about my allergies, so I couldn’t even eat any of it.

My parents were regular Avon consumers; my dad likes their roll-on deodorant over other options. I kind of assumed their brand loyalty to it was a carryover from when they lived in the Philippines. It’s also sold a lot at the local flea markets. I still pick up catalogs now and then but I’m never tempted to buy.

I know the Magic Wand is stuff of legend and all, but after the Oh Joy, Sex Toy review what I really want is a Doxy.

I really want to believe that’s intentional.

What about "how to handle being allergic to a potential paramour's pets but wanting to have sex at their place"?

Oh you know, bloodstone circle supplies and accessories for your floating kitten.

This is the shit, and I have eczema on my fingers.

Nethack's deaths are a lot more arbitrary compared to Dungeonmans, and there's less stat abuse/creep (even with lots of Proofs of Stremf) and more emphasis on good tactical positioning and movement. There's also a lot fewer item types and less "dev team thinks of everything"/unexpected usage of item moments in

Mind saying what build you were using?

I've really enjoyed this game since its Kickstarter in summer 2013 and I'm super happy to see it getting good press!

It's actually completely optional - you can play "Ironmans" style: completely ignore the academy and regenerate the overworld every game. There's a number of Dungeonmans people who do it.

I think the biggest reason I prefer Dungeonmans over Dredmor is that Dungeonmans has actually good item management.

Because apparently people think that there's something noble about spending time with family, even if it's family they hate. That's my partner's rationale for continuing to interact with people who deeply hurt them anyway...that "something would be lost" if they went no-contact.

What happens when you're the only one on Team Awesome, and even your partner lets things slide "for the sake of compromise"?

Hard when you're the one marrying into the racism, and they even encourage it in my otherwise-lovely partner, all "you know we're joking!" and "oh come on lighten up!"

It is a gemstone of simulation games, and one of the few sports games to put you in the management role instead of the glorified player role. I actually recommend it to people who disbelieve the depth of tactics in soccer-football.

Vote: gedit

If I hadn't been careless with it, I would probably still be using a Meteor over the Blue Snowball I have now. It's truly an underrated little gem.

If I'm not in that part of New Jersey (and thus can't pick you), what should I be looking for when looking to work with a PT?