
I think a big problem with Biden is that he doesn’t give people a chance to tell him no - he comes up behind them or gets physical very quickly, ignoring non verbal signs of discomfort. Not to mention the way he treats women and children differently from adult men.

Abusers are mentally ill very often and people who commit multiple murders of their family members are mentally ill basically all the time.

I hear ya, and in lesser cases would agree; but certain acts are so fantastically off-normal that even a layman, or even a psychiatrist who has not examined the patient, can safely cross that line and just stipulate the existence of mental problems. Deliberately, premeditatedly taking your kids with you in your

Family annihilators (often, but not always, the father) convince themselves that the family is better off dead than living without them. If there’s some sort of a scandal involved, the family annihilator thinks they are doing their children a favor by killing them, lest the children have to witness the downfall of the

That’s the Boomer “stan”

I’m a social worker. You can trust me when I say that murder suicide of an entire family is a reasonable basis for the speculation of mental illness. Also, the phrase you want is “Are you a psychiatrist” not “Are you a psychiatric”

I mean if you kill yourselves and your 6 children, that you previously weren’t feeding or taking care of, then you clearly have mental problems. Not sure I need to be a licensed psychiatrist to state that.

A stan is a particularly obsessed (not always in the bad obsessed way) fan. The word originated from the Eminem song Stan.

Along with all of the armchair generals in the US calling this young Jewish Israeli woman an anti-Semite.

I look forward to all the hot takes from people who would never have the fortitude to actually go to jail for their beliefs. 

I’m still not a Taylor Swift stan, but I am now a Taylor Swift stan stan. 

“Basically, that there are people in the world who feel like everything revolves around them, and have a hard time seeing things from the other perspective. Is Emily an only child? Just a hunch.”

Shocked at all the food shaming towards Emily.

I’m not sure that this post isn’t saying more about the Salty than it is about anyone talked about in the question posed. She’s reading a LOT into this that isn’t even implied. All the question-writer wanted was a list: 1) try rotating who picks, 2) try other activities than just dinner, 3) or try encouraging Emily to

Jesus, they find a brand new restaurant to eat at every week? I’d be saving my money by ordering bland appetizers just like Emily.

Are you sure the reason Emily orders an appetizer is that she’s just not an adventurous eater? Could it be her attempt at limiting expenses? Appetizers are generally less expensive than entrees. I don’t know where you’re eating, but in my mind, adventurous eating at trendy places once a week sounds like it isn’t

It tries several times to get down with Charlotte, to no avail.

I always have the same question as well. And it’s not even like Woody Allen’s movies are usually huge box-office hits, or achieve huge pop-cultural relevance (not that that would justify it, but at least then you could say that the actors just want fame over anything else). Literally the only time I ever hear anything

I was never under any illusion that Jude Law was the most woke dude in the universe, but for fuck’s sake, why do people still work with Woody Allen? It’s not like he’s making Oscar winners anymore.

He was a father figure to her. And he fucked her. Everything else is semantics and technicality.