
Yeah, you’re probably right. There definitely is a right wing contingent of haters, but there’s also the gun control absolutists to contend with. I’m in favor of stricter gun control myself, including probably some reform to how guns are used on movie sets, but I’m not an absolutist. Some guns are ok to have and use,

Honestly the judge did them a favor.

It’s a stretch to say it was a serious Brady violation - the existence of other live rounds somewhere else on the planet at the time of the shooting had nothing to do with Baldwin pointing a gun at two people and firing it. Those rounds did not implicate or exonerate Baldwin.

Now playing

I’m definitely concerned that up until now, BreadnMaters has been under the impression that condoms work 100% of the time. Like Ross in the episode where Rachel tells him she’s pregnant with his child.

I was being sarcastic.

It’s not “the internet” that wants his head. It’s right wing trolls who can’t stand Baldwin because he mocked their glorious leader. If this same situation was happening to Jim Caviezel, they’d have a completely opposite opinion.

What does this analogy even mean? Are you under the impression that people that use a condom and don’t inspect it for microscopic tears first get charged with a crime if they end up getting someone pregnant or giving them an STD?

He wasn’t expecting the gun to fire, but had taken no measures to ensure that it was incapable of firing.

If that were true, they sure would have tried to get to the bottom of how live rounds ended up on set in the first place, wouldn’t they? To date, the Santa Fe District Attorney’s office actually seems to be actively avoiding investigating that. You tell me if that sounds like people interested in truly finding the

Honestly the judge did them a favor. They were about to become a laughingstock as they tried to argue to a jury that an actor was supposed to second guess both an armorer and a set director who yelled, “cold gun”, and somehow determine, with his complete lack of knowledge about guns or ammunition, that the gun was not

Right, but from what I understand, in the scene he was preparing to film, he was indeed supposed to point the gun at the camera and shoot. So the fact that he shot while prep was happening, meant he only brought the victim’s death forward by a few minutes. He would have eventually shot her, given that the gun was

Oh...oh my god.

She what now?

I was just in the BG3 and AITA forums on Reddit this morning, didn’t see anybody proposing that Israel just ceases to exist.

A lot of them really are. Hang out on Reddit or Tumblr or Twitter for a bit. I don’t actually care about Israel as a nation state, but the fact that so many people are committed to a completely unrealistic solution is more than a little concerning.

True but it’s at least slightly more realistic than the solution being proposed by much of the left, which is that Israel should just cease to exist, and all the Jews should get out or whatever. And more humane than the solution being offered by politicians on both sides which is to just let Israel continue to carpet

I really hope to see him on TV again someday. The writing for that show was downright bad a lot of the time, but he was always an excellent performer.

Because Democrats are idiots that absolutely refuse to learn, that’s why. I can totally see what the logic was in Merrick Garland’s decision. He probably thought, “Oh I don’t want to appear biased and like I had my thumb on the scale, so I’ll pick a Republican Special Counsel to investigate, and of course, they’ll be

And nothing of value was lost.

Minaj’s impulse to defend her husband, even as the public is reminded that he is a convicted rapist is, in its own way, understandable.