
I actually feel like C- is a bit generous for this ep. I’d give it a hard D. The only thing that saved it from an F, for me, was the slight entertainment of Claire hobnobbing with the 18th century aristocracy of America. And even that was only mildly entertaining at best. Other than that the entire episode was an

I’m wondering if her influence is going to shape up to be more than a fleeting comment though. She clearly knows what he’s doing and is ok enough with it to lie for him and try to protect him from being caught.

If your sloppy joes are just ground beef and tomatoes and “nothing else” that’s very sad. You need some spices, you definitely need some onion and bell peppers, and you need non-ketchup tomato products. You also need vinegar. In my recipe, the Worcestershire sauce doubles as the vinegar (since that’s one of the main

I put chili powder in mine. I love that sweet heat.

Not sure what you mean by “out west”, but at this time, most of what we think of as “west” and “the frontier” actually belonged to France or was reserved for the Native Americans. They really couldn’t have gone there unless they were willing to become citizens of another country or encroach even more upon Native land.

Obviously, the instances wouldn’t be zero, but historically speaking, instances of rape among the indigenous peoples were very rare. Even white settlers remarked upon it, because whereas European men did not hesitate to rape native women whenever they could, the same did not happen to European women at the hands of

Crowdfunding campaigns are effective ways for people to help others in need.

Why was it so weird for her to be a virgin? It was 1970. She’s in her early 20s. Lots of girls/women were virgins at that age back then. Lots of girls are virgins at that age now.

Yeah, I’m aware, but I was hoping a mod would see this comment and check my kinja comment history and see that I’m not a troll or bot lol. Thanks, though.

I grew up in the northeast, but this sounds so much like the large Thanksgiving dinners that my Grandma used to host that I got a little misty. Many of the same rules applied. You entered through the garage, where you removed your boots (Chicago and Syracuse NY have similar climates I think). Then you went straight to

The only thing that causes food borne illness is a sick bird. Do not buy sick birds.

It’s really weird that so many of the comments here are casting women as weird or stupid for wanting to track their period with an app, instead of castigating companies for violating these women’s privacy. There’s nothing weird about using an app to do this, it’s more convenient and easier than using a paper calendar,

To be fair, none of that stuff is why Trump voters don’t like her. They don’t like her because one time she pushed back (sort of) against their glorious leader.

Right. That right there is the problem that many people are complaining about that none of you seem to get. The writers decided that showcasing a white woman’s pain and moral dilemma was more important than giving the enslaved black character any agency.

Could I get ungrayed around here? I’ve commented enough times to be trusted and I’m a pretty regular commenter on Lifehacker as well.

LOL. You absolutely just did not compare anything that happened to Jamie to chattel slavery. Did you? Really?

I think the critique is warranted. It’s not an ensemble show, but at times they have managed to tell stories about people other than Claire and Jamie, to give us their perspective at least. Hell, they spent more time on Black Jack Randall’s character and motivations than they did on the enslaved people in this episode.

Diverse oppressors are still oppressors.

Since “Criminals”, ie. ex-felons, people who have been convicted of a crime but have served their sentence and been released, tend to have a large overlap with people of color and poor people, yes, they tend to vote Democrat.