
She’s not allowed to take opiates though. Pretty sure she’s not allowed to take much beyond aspirin or ibuprofen.

She didn’t pass it, though. It’s still there, so she probably is experiencing some pain.

The Lifehacker version of “Evil” is way tamer than Reddit’s version. Lifehacker is strictly dealing with the ethically dubious and morally gray. They’re not going to link to r/racistsinbasements or r/picsofrealhumansbeingmurdered or any of the other vile shit that we all know exists on reddit.

You actually can die from a bb gun shot, provided it’s at close enough range and in the right spot. Not terribly likely, but definitely possible. And you can most definitely be maimed by one. That whole “you’ll shoot your eye out, kid” from “A Christmas Story” isn’t actually a lie.

Oh man, I have some serious nostalgia from this post. Been using Winamp since my college days, ripping stuff from Napster and Limewire and downloading random mp3s from other people’s computers on the college network. I actually have that 2013 legacy version installed on my Windows 10 computer and it works just fine.

some people actually have a conscious about these kinds of things.

Something doesn’t have to be “purposely sinister” to be harmful. You can talk to any number of lgbt people who will tell you what kind of damage these kinds of insidious messages that reinforce rigid gender roles and compulsory heterosexuality did to their personal development.

I have no children of my own but my sister has two kids and this stuff drives me nuts. Sometimes, I don’t really know how to handle it, because they’re not my kids, and I don’t want to overstep any parenting boundaries. My sister is a good mom, but I have noticed she has a tendency to do this stuff with her daughter,

I babysit my 11 month old niece and nothing is truer than this. Luckily we had an old DVD player remote lying around (it’s an extra since we had two of the same player). We cleaned it up with hand sanitizer, took off the battery compartment door and now she plays with it every time she’s here.

Apparently it’s not obvious to some people, because they keep letting their kids wander around the house in a walker or other wheeled device unattended. The blame there is not the device, it’s the parenting.

But...this is again, the fault of parenting, not the walker itself. You’re not supposed to put a baby in a walker all damn day, nor are they supposed to be used for children who don’t have the back strength to sit up yet. But for 20 minutes when the 8 month old gets bored, in a well supervised and safe area? this is


In general I always follow the rule that baking is an exact science, but cooking is an art. When baking, always measure precisely. With cooking, you’re more free to eyeball your measurements.

I do this for Holiday cookies too. I make a lot of cookies at the holidays, for family to enjoy on Christmas, to give as gifts, work parties, etc. This lets me get the dough(s) done way ahead of time (so I’m not frantically making cookie dough while trying to wrap presents), plus I can bake a batch early to give as

This is why I absolutely refuse to buy digital movies. With digital music and ebooks, it’s actually fairly simple to make drm free backups that are mine forever (so long as my hard drive doesn’t fail). But the drm on digital movies makes that almost impossible. If you buy a movie from iTunes/Amazon, you have to use

I don’t understand why anyone’s response to near drowning would be to avoid water and not learn how to swim

I think it’s gotta be something even more egregious than that, because hitting a dog with your car is still just an accident. I can’t imagine her getting in any real trouble for that. She or someone associated with her company probably did something else that was not an accident, to bring about this dog’s demise.

Right. I’m the asshole. You’re insulting mentally ill people, but I’m the asshole for pointing it out. Don’t you have a meeting of the “You’re racist for pointing out racism!” folks to attend?

Oh, so you’re a psychiatrist then? Are you licensed and trained to diagnose mental disorders? And it goes without saying that you’ve had the requisite extended interviews with each and every Q-Anon believer necessary to render your professional judgement, right?

As a northern observer of the south for over ten years, it’s the south’s fault mainly. Papa John’s is very popular down here, I think for two reasons. 1) They’re southerners. They wouldn’t know good pizza if it started humming “Dixie” and threatened to secede. And 2) There just aren’t a lot of options for pizza down