
Get lost TERF, the adults are speaking.

No? You have to have mens rea to commit a crime, ie. intent. She clearly did not intend to commit a crime, since she didn’t even know she had crossed the border until she was arrested by Border Patrol. A court would have to convict her of illegally entering the U.S. for her to have a “criminal record”. Being arrested


Classifying human beings as “illegal” and “aliens” is what allows them to be exploited. I’m well aware that the imperfect solutions implemented within that framework do not wholly wipe away that problem, but taking a look at your commenting history tells me you’re not really interested in the thing that would actually

Lego did not start out with gendered marketing, but by the late 80s/early 90s they shifted and began marketing “regular” Legos to boys and making pink, sometimes offensively gendered sets “for girls”. It’s almost like if you tell young girls that a specific toy is not for them, they will internalize that.

Classifying human beings as “illegal” and “aliens” is what allows them to be exploited. I’m well aware that the imperfect solutions implemented within that framework do not wholly wipe away that problem, but taking a look at your commenting history tells me you’re not really interested in the thing that would actually

The article you linked is talking about unaccompanied minors who arrived in the U.S., and were then falsely claimed by bad actors who wanted to exploit them. This is bad, and certainly the government did not do their due diligence in those cases, but that situation and the one we are discussing are not the same.

In what way is that enabling human trafficking? Parents having custody of their children is enabling human trafficking? I guess we should take your kids away then, right?

I don’t know, but since it’s more humane than prying children away from their parents and putting them in cages, I honestly don’t care if none of them showed up for their hearings.

There is no law stating you must have the freezer in the kitchen. We have ours in a unused corner of the living room. We put potted plants on top of it and literally nobody notices it.

Their policy was generally “catch and release”. Meaning they would release the immigrant in question into the community and they would keep their children with them, pending a hearing on whether they would get to stay in the country. The only time they separated immigrant children from their parents were if the parent

No? Some children (and adults) literally cannot be vaccinated, either because they have immune disorders or because they are allergic to something in the vaccine. Also infants may not have gotten all their vaccines yet, because some are recommended at different ages. Not vaccinating your child who can be vaccinated

Seriously, the character embargoes are so silly. And they’re weirdly selective too. I guess it’s fine to have a TV Barry Allen and a film Barry Allen, but apparently you can’t have two separate Supermans. Fans are more than able to keep each universe separate in their minds, and I highly doubt that one cannibalizes

Anyone in the U.S. that grew up in a state that puts a deposit fee on bottled or canned beverages is already familiar with these. I grew up in NY state, and these were in every grocery store even back in the 1980s. You’d return your bottles and cans and it’d either spit out your change directly or give you a slip to

Except “normies” as you call them, would never say that, because “normies” respect women, and don’t think of them as commodities that men deserve or need. Someone who identifies as an incel should NOT have a girlfriend. I’d worry for her safety and her mental health being with a person who thinks she’s an object that

Do you have any actual data that backs up these claims, or is this one of those special fairytales that got made up in a reddit forum?

It’s amazing that you can act this way towards a set of people whose problems you clearly don’t understand, and yet you also want us to care about yours. Get some compassion and understanding and maybe someone will feel like extending some to you.

I lose pens. So for me, even a pen that costs a dollar can add up to serious cash lost over time. For that reason, I favor the Paper Mate Write Bros Ballpoint Pens, Medium Point (1.0mm), Black. You can buy a box of 60 for less than $5. But honestly even for a cheap pen, they write well, very smooth and inky. Note the

Exactly. The point of All In The Family was “Gee, look how racist this supposedly all american family guy is”. The point of the Roseanne reboot seemed to be “Racists are just like us!”.