I keep a window open and read all month. I know I’m not the only one.
I keep a window open and read all month. I know I’m not the only one.
I usually keep a window open all month so I can keep working through all the stories.
That’s the hotel that Teddy Roosevelt recruited Rough Riders at. The bar is pretty much the same as it was in that period.
My cat from 12 years ago still jumps up on the bed when I’m falling asleep alone. The current cats won’t sleep in bed with me.
When I was 20, we were traveling working renn faires, me, my future husband, and my bff. My bff and I each had a black cat. Very different cats, but both were about the same size. We think there was 3-4 months age difference. Going through New Mexico to Arizona, we had a bad car wreck. no drivable cars and the cats…
I’ve heard that happens at a lot of upscale places in Dallas, but, since I don’t hang out in those places, I can’t name them off the tip of my head.
File a grievance with the hospital. If you call, ask for a patient advocate. If you have reason to go there, ask for a grievance form. There are steps that must be taken when there is a complaint, especially if you make it in writing. At my hospital, there has to be an investigation and response back within 7 days of…
That’s horrifying.
When we were looking at houses a few years ago, our realtor opened one house’s door and was shocked to see a large man laying in the living room. There was no furniture and we quickly eased out the door and back to the street where she called 911 and the selling realtor. Then we skedaddled. The police called her cell…
I was once at the 7-11 across the street from the police station and gave a guy change for the phone. (Yeah, remember pay phones? It was about 18 years ago.) He told me he had just gotten out of jail and asked for a ride. I was like, “Man, I’m a short woman and you have about 100 pounds and a foot on me and just got…
Even a slider with a good lock should have a broomstick or dowl rod in it. I don’t know if prowler or Death is scarier to wake up to.
Ahhh.. That one was sweet.
We named him Simon, but also answers to Noodle. He acts boneless all the time.
My grandmother died when I was in elementary school, but I swear she was around when my kids were babies.I was just really really sleep deprived because twins, but there were times late at night where I could hear her voice.
So far, he’s still locked up. Hopefully he’ll stay that way.
If you have the window open for a while, it will look like it takes it away, but it does give credit. I got the notification.
I’m sorry you had to deal with something so tragic.
Personally, I’ve always felt the stories with people were the scariest. And a lot of those don’t identify whether the person telling the story is a man or woman; you just fill in the blanks in your head.
When we were in 6th or 7th grade, a friend’s dad was arrested for abusing her and her siblings. We had been friends for several years and countless slumber parties. I remember only going to their house and being near her dad once before it happened, although my mom said he was around a lot at girl scout things and…