Katy del Moxie

That reminds me of a story my mom told me about my great grandparents. Not because of the big foot but because of the straight shooter nature. My great grandparents were married when she was in her mid teens and he was in his mid 20s and before they had kids they rode around on a motorcycle. They were going between

Stories with people are way more scary than stories with ghosts.

Wow! That’s amazing.

That’s something I didn’t know before I had kids that I tell my daughter about. I think all teenage girls should know that pregnancy will ruin their anus. I might have been more careful if I had considered that consequence.

Took my kid to the ER because she was having huge pain that sounded like what I’ve had with ovarian cysts. ER doc orders the internal ultrasound. The tech on duty came in the room, leaned over to me to ask about sexual history of my waif 16 year old and then turned on his heal and argued with the doctor in the

I have issues with keeping my gut healthy. Before I realized this, I had a huge overgrowth of yeast in my gut. It threw my bodies Ph out of the normal range and resulted in bad bacteria repeatedly taking over my vagina. My OBGYN suggested getting regular probiotic tablets that you would take for digestion, nothing

An old boyfriend in high school worked at a little independent photo hut in the 90's and I remember he had to explain to a father why he couldn’t give him the pictures developed of his 15 year old daughter and her girl friend because they were child porn and Old BF would have to call the cops to let them know the dad

I thought Goodwill sent the majority of their t-shirts to Africa, so good luck finding one there.

There’s also Daryl Mitchell who is now on CSI: New Orleans. He has a spinal cord injury from a motorcycle accident in 2001. I was really glad when I saw he was acting again because I always liked him.

What teen/preteen is up Saturday morning? Saturday morning was meant for entertaining young kids who wake up naturally at 7am so that they could get their own cereal and leave me alone until lunch.

I hope all his defenders keep loudly defending him so we know who out there is an utter douch bag that thinks Brock Turner should have had access to the victim’s body without her consent.

I am sick with a stupid cold. I over did it with yard work and grocery shopping. I think I have settled into a binge. I’m not up to getting out the paints, but he’s so soothing.

I respect your opinion.

Ummm... completely off topic because my point was not about the book itself, but that Bethany didn’t understand what he was reading. There were no zombies in The Road. There were cannibals.

I lost all respect for him when he demonstrated his abysmal reading comprehension by describing The Road as a book about a zombie apocalypse. No, those were regular people eating people.

I was having contractions on a Sunday and didn’t realize it. I would be really uncomfortably and shift around a lot on the couch, but never recognized it as being centered on my uterus. Monday morning I went in to have the babies monitored (twins) and the nurse told me i was having contractions.

Skin color genetics are weird. In the picture of the real family, I would bet you a dollar those are his kids. The son looks so much like him and all of them have his nose.

“Police refuse to believe that WOMAN is a woman.”

There’s no telling how old Glens would be in 1948. We have no knowledge of how long she had been in the 1700s or when she had arrived. We only know she left in 1968. It made me wonder if it was part of the ritual she saw and if that was why there was one girl who hung around afterward. I haven’t read the books.