Katy del Moxie

I'm sorry you and your fiance are going through this.

Don't feel bad; you aren't the first to have that reaction.

Thank you. I take that as a huge compliment.

Artistic, acid dream interpretation from this

I can't wait until it's leather weather. I bought a lady's cut biker jacket and have been painting it.

It's in my local area. When I've seen her on the news, she reminds me of the daughter character on The Middle: super chipper and optimistic. I really think it bothered her friends way more than it bothered her when the other kids told her she was nominated when she wasn't.

And in Texas we get mums. Big, honking, fancy mums.

I worked in a 7-11 when I was in college. I read white and the hispanics I worked with offered me manudo. I don't think the woman who brought it thought anything of it (she was middle aged and her dad had made it from scratch), but there was a guy who put off a vibe like he was ashamed of being brown who was like,

My bast friend's ex husband has cartoon squirrels having sex on his forearm. Prison style. It's so bad and so trashy. Thank you facebook for letting me see these things from far far away.

If it makes you feel better, the door is open. (the tail flicks out of the drum.) The machine is not on. The cat is using it like a hamster wheel.

My son didn't sleep through the back more than twice a week until he was 7. Even then I'm not sure if he slept or I was so exhausted I just didn't wake up. His twin sister was a doll and slept through the night like a normal kid.

It's all in how you raise them.

Now playing

My daughter cried when Johnny died in 2004. She was five and it was the first time she realized that she had already missed them and would never see them live. Today was a little better, but only a little.

"You can make the religious freedom argument, you can make the argument about contraception, but ultimately, for me, this is about power. Jesus had a lot of issue with powerful people using power over the powerless."

I developed a bacterial infection in my small intestine and sepsis a few years ago. I was in the hospital for 5 days on powerful antibiotics and just barely scraped through without surgery. I have no idea what meal did me in, but I ate at 2 local owned taco places that week and I haven't been able to go back to either

I miss discovery zone. When I was in high school, the local one would have a teen night where they were open until 11pm one Saturday a month. Some of my fondest memories of age 16...

I read The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Iovine while I was pregnant (that was about 15 years ago). I remember her being funny and sarcastic in ways very similar to the people I like to hang around.

My daughter had 2 days of vertigo at the end of May right before school let out. The vertigo started on Friday morning and I rushed her to the doctor. Her pediatrician said he had seen several cases of stomach flu start like that and sent us home with a med for vomiting if that started. By Sunday she just felt crappy.

Congratulations! I wear one of the necklaces from your shop at least once a week.

You have be open to opportunities and work to make them. I don't think karma is all about reaping what you sow as punishment, but also about relaxing and being aware when things are presented to you, too. It's hard to do that if you are having an everyone-gets-what-they-want-but-me mood. It's hard to interview for a