Katy del Moxie

Well, it's something to keep in mind for next time.

I usually buy fish from Costco. The filets in the freezer section are individually vacuum packed, so it is easy to thaw out the amount needed in a pot of warm water. Once thawed, I put them on a baking sheet on some non-stick foil (that stuff is amazing). I pour sauce over them and stick them under the broiler. I

You are absolutely in the right. Whatever is truly going on with your ex, your daughter doesn't need to be stuck in the middle of it. You don't owe your ex any kind of benefit of doubt when it comes to your child's well being. Good luck with your court date.

Friday, I made enchiladas with left over barbeque chicken. They were awesome.

When our brains get a huge burst of good feeling, it wants to create that again. It felt great to win money, so there is a higher desire for that reward again. If it bothers you a lot and makes you feel out of control, divorce yourself from the experience for a while.

My best friend was my second college roomate. She is the first person I ever saw hang up on her mom, and then turn the phone off. Without a computer, I understand that isn't an option at the moment.

Once a Month Mom is a great place for freezer meals. Even if you don't join, there are links to the recipes they choose for each month.

If he secret-drinks, he is not long term material. If he wants to send your kid away, he doesn't get you completely.

Gluten sets off my asthma, too. One great thing about going gluten free was not having to use a rescue inhaler all the time, and migraines, I haven't had a migraine since going gluten free.

Actually, you should cut it out for about 6 weeks. It really does take that long for built up inflammation and antibody levels to go down. A lot of people don't start feeling better until 4-6 weeks of being off of gluten.

I've been gluten free for 2 years. My son has been GF for 5 years. The year before I went GF I had a bacterial infection in my intestines that landed me in the hospital for a week. I went for almost a year without the energy to pick up my living room.

I like using Once A Month Mom. They have a GF/DF menu and a paleo menu monthly. I don't do a lot of freezing for later, but it gives me a lot of new recipes to try out. We always find a couple that are keepers. If you don't get a membership, it gives you links to where they get the recipes. Sometimes it is a GF

Today is my 35th birthday. I've had a great weekend.

That's horrible.

I guess we'll have to hold out hope for a ginger later on.

My mom was surprised because she sent me to a counselor and shrink in college that didn't see it as bipolar at all. But after we talked about what it was and the symptoms were she was not surprised. Knowing her mom had been on lithium for 30 years, and her mom wasn't crazy or bad helped. Grandma was really

I don't freak out like either of your fathers, but I do have some bipolar tendencies and realized it because of a tv show, too. For me it was a True Life show on MTV about 12 years ago. One girl was very articulate about what it felt like to be depressed and manic at the same time, and it just clicked. That was me

Whatever is causing the pain, it is not your fault.

I am not that big of a genius. I have been lamenting the lack of GF corn dogs recently and today I got the idea from OnceAMonthMom.com . They have a GF menu and a paleo menu every month. If you don't join, they give links to where they've gotten the idea for the recipe, and sometimes it's a GF site, sometimes it's

That has always worked for me with most cats, but a good friend of mine had one cat that really never felt full. It took them a while to figure out what was happening, but the veterinarian had to put him on special food and they went on a twice a day feeding schedule. He had to be fed him separately from the other