Katy del Moxie

This is why my old clothes go to a small local thrift store that supports MR young adults. I stopped donating to Goodwill when I saw a story in the late nineties about Africans wearing old Nirvana shirts. This is why Africa doesn't have the textile industry it used to have, either.

My favorite cat lived with me in a tent while I worked Renn Faires. I could never keep him inside after. We were living in the middle of a cities greenbelt. He disappeared around the same time that we started spotting coyotes.

It sounds like she's been drinking the kool-aid. Real relationships don't work like that. If you criticized the way he looked, would he change or would he be mean back to you.

I have saved it for later use as well.

I just wanted to say your gif is beautiful.

There are a huge amount of people who spend their whole lives working at those theme parks. Good to you for finding something that makes you happy and allows you to take care of yourself!

Going to the gym should not be motivated by someone who supposedly loves you tearing you down. It's likely he would just choose something else to not be happy about once you lost weight.

I made Pepperoni Chicken. But I made it in the oven in a Pyrex pan. I added a can of tomato sauce and put in chopped bell peppers instead of olives. I half boiled some tai rice noodles. When the chicken was cooked through, I pulled out the chicken and mixed the noodles in the left over sauce to finish cooking. I

I'm the same way about Naked Lunch. I know I've read the book 3 times, but I only remember one part of it. I figured after 3 times, it was probably something I didn't want in my brain.

Ummm.... as of 2004, when Penn & Teller examined PETA on their Bullsh*t show, PETA wasn't running any shelters. They killed all the animals brought to them. I can't imagine things have changed much. Their general attitude is that humans shouldn't have anything to do with animals, including living with them as pets.

When my 14 year olds were babies, everyone was saying they should be on their sides. There was a foam thingy that consisted of two cloth covered triangles with a bit of fabric in the middle that you could lay them in to keep them from rolling over like this: ^-^

Get it out! Get it out now! I have snaggly teeth because I didn't get my wisdom teeth out when they started coming in. I put it off from Spring break until summer and it pushed one side of my mouth forward. It also caused tension headaches and in general made me miserable and I didn't realize it was because of the

From what I understand, you rub it into your belly or thighs. Progesterone gets stored in the fatty cells and your body can use it as needed. She buys it at a vitamin store. She started using it after seeing it as a problem on the Oprah show several years ago.

My mom does that because of hormones. If she uses progesterone cream, it doesn't happen.

It is a lazy Sunday. I mowed my Dad's lawn (the man has bad knees). And I really haven't done anything since I cleaned up.

Papaya and coconut milk are natural laxatives. My son has a really slow moving digestive system, so I used to give him dried papaya every day. Of course, he ended up having leaky gut and developing an allergy to it, but it worked well for a while.

Not the best picture, but I caught the new kitten, Gordon, sneaking up on the big kitty, Tommy, and grooming him while Tommy was asleep. So cute, it doesn't matter if its fuzzy.

We had a deaf girl in our troop for a while. My Mom told me later that she was really proud of us, because we all learned enough sign language to comment to each other while she was talking.(although, just a hand wave and rolling eyes go a long way at 13). The girl decided we were too dorky for her after about 6

That was awesome. I'm so glad you shared it.

My only advise would be to keep in mind that, with younger girls, you pick and plan practically everything, and as they get older, you have to let them pick and plan. It is very hard to age up as a leader. I was in the same troop from 5th-12th grade. Somewhere in the 7th or 8th grade, we had to switch leaders. The