Katy del Moxie

I didn't get morning sickness or a missed period until I was almost to the third month. When I finally went to a clinic I was 4 and a half months and I found out it was twins. So, I told my boyfriend. I told my mom. She was rather shocked and asked me to call back. When I talked to my Mom the next day she told me

My husband bought me a bottle of Kahlua Black. It has the vodka already added. Just add milk and it will be a White Russian evening. Or I may just sip it.

When he first came to us, he hid for about 3 days. It might have been shorter, but everytime I saw him I giggled. I just couldn't get Jimmy Durante out of my head. Ah-cha-cha-cha.

A lady I worked with noticed a grocery sack on the corner just down from her Day care. When it was still there the next afternoon, she stopped and looked inside. There were4 tiny kittens. Two had already died. They were all covered in bugs. She rushed them to a vet. She bottle fed them and was sponsored by the

It's very hard not to get angry and reactionary when there are so many who immediately react to the idea of not vaccinating kids so vehemently.

I am unapologetic about my son's lack of vaccinations. He is autistic and has an autoimmune disease. Vaccinations cause giant reactions. My son's immune system is already overwhelmed by the over-reactions it has without the vaccinations. We've been working with a specialist for the last 7 years to try to bring his

So you don't think starving someone or forcing someone to live in conditions that are going to make them sick is murder?

It happens. Today is a new day. You can not change what you've done. You can only remember how crappy you now feel and make better decisions today, and tomorrow, and the next day...

Schar pasta is definitely the best. We use the penne for tomato sauce and the fusilli for pasta salad. They also make pretty good wafer cookies.

That's awesome! Not awesome is never being able to buy a $20 bra again. 40J's are expensive.

I had both of mine done on my 33rd birthday. There are few nerves in the tragus, but I had a really big guy have to really lean in to get the needle through the cartilage and it made a very big cracking noise.

You're normal. He's the weird one.

I used to use dairy free icing. I would mix up the vitamins and digestive enzymes in the icing and then spread it between graham crackers and freeze them. They would go in his lunch box and be thawed by lunch time.

This is what I do with my really delicate underthings: wash it in the sink with some woolite. Rinse. Squeeze out the water and hang to dry.

A high school friend of my brothers read feet.

I forgot to add, you rub it into your belly. Your body will store the extra progesterone in fat cells until it needs it.

My mom does that, too. It's totally hormonal. She gets a moisturizer that has progesterone in it. It's over the counter and keeps her from getting sick like that around her period. She picks it up a vitamin or whole foods store.

I feel you. I developed Celiacs about 2 years ago and, if I get any kind of bug, it throws my guts for a loop. When I have pain and inflammation, I make potato soup or sometimes shicken, and I guzzle bottles of kefir. Kefir is a probiotic drink made by growing good bacteria in coconut water. It tastes like yogurt

I'll post pictures when it's finished, but the dance isn't until next month and I'm afraid I made the top too small. I'm holding off attaching the skirt in case I have to remake the top.

I feel bad for Jonathon Knight. He has such serious anxiety disorder that he didn't leave his house for years.