Katy del Moxie

It sounds like she's really excited about finding something that works so well for her. If I dropped a bunch of weight and it was only changing my diet that did it, I'd probably shout it from the rooftops, too.

I don't seem to hang out with people that aren't on the autism spectrum. I usually just hold up a hand to give them a chance to run down and acknowledge me, and then I let them know I have lost interest and they have about a minute to wrap it up before I check out of the conversation completely and start paying more

If he's having mental issues, would he check himself in somewhere? I work at a behavioral health hospital and we don't allow cell phones or computers while inpatient. Hopefully, he'll be able to check in with you soon.

I have no idea what that could be. I just wanted to wish you good luck in figuring it out.

My experience: it isn't that far in there. It just takes the fingertips.

I think a lot of it depends on you. If you shower before bed, and you aren't a night sweater, it's probably fine. On my own, I wouldn't wash mine very often, but my husband sweats like you wouldn't believe, even with the air conditioning on and a fan aimed directly at his head. I feel bad if I don't do it every

The lid switch should be really easy to switch out. I did it about 6 months ago. We have a local appliance parts shop. I called them with the model number and they ordered the right part for me. It was around $20. I watched 2 youtube videos. They weren't quite my model, but it is a pretty simple mechanism.

Yikes. Our policy is with United, but has always had free well care visits, because the company my husband works for is awesome.

Uggh, gallbladders.... I've had problems before, but ultrasounds just show sludge, no stones. I ate lots of avocados for a while to encourage the gallbladder to release stuff and keep the sludge from building up.

My husband can hear our kids chew when they forget to close their mouths from the next room. It truly upsets him from the living room when they are in the kitchen. I can be sitting next to them and not notice. We both have varying degrees of spectrum disorders. I hyper focus on something else and don't notice

That isn't a healthy way to fight. No matter how angry you are, you should still keep in mind that the person you are disagreeing with is your partner and someone that you shouldn't want to hurt with insults that cut to the bone. If you are presenting your full person to your partner, they should take the

I'm sorry the people you hung around have scattered with your seizure. If they don't have anything in common with you now that you can't drink, they probably weren't very good friends. On the other hand, a lot of people don't know how to deal when someone they like has a medical issue. You might want to just try

It is a beautiful picture. I say use it.

I used to work at a Six Flags park and saw where season pass families can make a habit of ditching their kids at the front gate on their way to work. I can see where this would help avoid a lot of that crap.

I have made corned beef twice in the last 2 weeks because I can actually find it. Yum!

Congratulations on reaching some stability. Bipolar disorder runs in my family and can be really hard to deal with. Accepting that being a professional photographer doesn't mean you can't still enjoy it as a hobby while you do something more secure to support yourself.

My son has been Gluten free for 3 years before I took the leap. He had blood allergy testing and the doctor looked at the results and declared him Celiac's without doing any more testing. So I knew what to cut and most of the family meals were gluten free. So the actual doing it wasn't hard for me.

I had some issues a few years ago that were very much like the chronic fatigue. I developed some other weird symptoms (the worst one was interstitial cystitis, which is bladder infection symptoms without the bacterial infection) I read a lot of books and the one that helped the most was The Yeast Connection by Dr.

Now playing

I made corned beef last week and my husband bought me a six pack of cider. I'm not Catholic and I've never treated it like Irish Mardi Gras. I do like the nod towards my Irish roots and usually use it as a good excuse to buy a bottle of Bailey's. Here is my favorite St. Paddy's day song:

I was having at least one migraine a week when I went gluten free. They had increased over a period of a few years, but it really had gotten ridiculous. They weren't the reason I went gluten free, though. I've been without gluten since August 2011. Almost immediately, I stopped having migraines and asthma