
“Good regulations, good policies, are ones in which the benefits outweigh the costs,

It was disappointing to be on the receiving end of such disrespectful behavior from my current representative, but ultimately I’m focused on my campaign

I’d bet a lot of money that the Trump admin will lead the way for tinkering with the climate in dangerous nutty ways, all the while insisting climate change isn’t happening.

Ha! Real estate? The Trumps make their money in the laundry business.

“Also, why’s he gotta be so insecure about his height?”

Too be fair, if Giuliani were sitting in front of me, I might not recognize him at first either. I’d probably just assume that I was hallucinating some kind of ghoul.

For some reason, Steve Bannon reminds me of this guy.

Hero of illiterate shitkickers who want to punish the eggheads and steal from non-whites.

that he thinks what has happened here is an affront to law enforcement only further underscores the fact that he believes his word is law.