Democrats had better start punching back, hard and low. This nose-in-the-air “I’m above all that” behavior is losing.
Democrats had better start punching back, hard and low. This nose-in-the-air “I’m above all that” behavior is losing.
Since Kavanaugh’s noisy red-faced display of drunken chimpanzee rage seemed to work so well for him (I think it was just a smokescreen to blur the fact that the repug Senate was ALWAYS going to vote him in), a lot more repug men are displaying Trump style fake alpha-male (aka: pig jerk) behavior around women. They…
FBI should have talked to witnesses, to people who would confirm Ms. Ford’s story. They really wimped out.
Abortion rights have been on the chopping block since TrumPutin was “elected”. Any judge this administration puts on the Supreme Court will help destroy Roe. Legal abortion has been toast for nearly 2 years.
“... I have no hostility to or particular fear of conservative jurisprudence. When the Supreme Court recently deprived public sector unions of the ability to collect agency fees, landing an immediate and substantial blow against the political bearing of organized labor, I thought: “How interesting...”
Just a minor fine. He probably figured Putin would pay it.
The Trump family cats must go crazy when they (TRUssia) fold their laundry.
And now your carry-on weighs 50+lbs and can’t be lifted up to the storage space on a plane.
Your suggestion is reckless and potentially DEADLY. Right up there with the article telling people that WD-40 burns under water and then suggesting they clean their stovetops with it and rub it on their clothing and leather accessories.
Everything they say is the opposite of what is actually so.
Oh WOW!!!
The real face of Fascism!
CAN he do this? This isn’t a bill they’re voting on, its a confirmation. Not the same thing.
I hope SCOTUS takes a good look at Executive Orders, and explains to T-Rump and Bannon that they are NOT Royal Decrees!
Holy Gee! Give T-Rump a chance to do what? Assassinate reporters like his buddy Putin? Destroy NATO for his buddy Putin? Invade Mexico?
How many times will Fed agencies refuse T-Rumps unconstitutional commands?
That he thinks his decree will protect Americans only further underscored how god’ammed stupid he is, and his followers.