Is Jim Sterling some kind of super villain, is that why he never changes outfits?
Is Jim Sterling some kind of super villain, is that why he never changes outfits?
I blame the English language. It’s not Natasha’s fault that “All you can eat” can be singular or plural (and boo to Denny’s for taking advantage of the ambiguity). This wouldn’t have happened in Shakespeare’s day. When the tavern had an “All thou canst eat” special, everybody knew it only meant thee, not thy whole…
Nausicaä cosplay that isn’t Nausicaä! Reki-Konran, take a bow.
It’s sad, but not at all surprising. I’m a small business owner, and many of my suppliers are men. About a year ago I created the alias ‘Dick Berns’ to use in purchasing. Since then I’ve found that on average my orders ship 2 days faster and cost 6% less when the person on the other end of the transaction thinks that…
I write under male-sounding names online, and I have mixed feelings about it. Is it easier? Fuck yes. Does it make me angry how much easier it is? Fuck yes.
Leo Camacho, last seen being a very dashing Nathan Drake, is now (along with some friends) part of a decidedly…
Holy fucking shit: have you ever eaten a parsnip? THEY’RE LIKE CARROTS AND POTATOES IN ONE AND OMG THE BEST.
There is simply no reasoning with these paranoid nutjobs. As someone with severe asthma, I get my annual flu shot in late summer and worry until March that someone who’s decided they’re a special snowflake will give it to me (because vaccines don’t have to be 100% effective to be beneficial and necessary).
Does this motherfucker not understand that this is what WE ARE EXPECTED TO DO BY EVERY CUSTOMER? Every time you complain about us taking away your dirty dishes, we get complained at 500 times more for not removing fucking garbage. You OCD weirdshits.
your cat sounds fucking incredible tbh
My cat, who once opened a microwave oven while the popcorn was popping, has more self-control than the caramel lady.
My cat, who once destroyed a floor-to-ceiling lamp with her butt, has more self-control than the caramel lady.
My cat, who once fell off a bookshelf at 3 AM only to land butt-first on my face (catass…
I go Xcom and rename every character. I went with marvel characters secret identities. I have a Zebediah Killgrave and he’s my vault impregnator. He is either in the barracks helping repopulate or in the bar working on his charisma to keep those pheromones strong. And I have McCoy, Pym, Richards, Connors and Banner…
Diet Coke is quite honestly the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. If I could prevent one technological advance from happening in human history, I would pick aspartame in a heartbeat.
I always read One More Day as Quesada inflicting his own midlife crisis on Spider-Man.
“Come on, having Peter Parker as a married man who has successfully completed his degree and used it to pursue a career in teaching and start a family is completely unrelatable! Instead he should be living with his aunt, a failure at developing long term romantic partners, and still trying to make ends meet doing…
Marvel has made many a stupid mistake in the past, but One More Day is a very, very strong contender for the number one spot.
Other high ranking cases of stupidity are the entire Clone Sage debacle, the way Rob Liefeld drew Captain America, and anything involving Chuck Austen writing the X-Men.