
No worries.. Prez Trump will do a deal and make it all go away.

Is it bad that I’ve never heard a Drake song (that I know of) and still think he’s a no talent assclown? Or is that the beer talking?

Now playing

There’s only one Mustang meme that I need.

But the real question is how do you park?

I thought the same thing. But it could be a combination of many truths. I still think Currently Un Named TV Show was the best idea

OF COURSE the million mile Toyota Tundra is beige.

Throw him in cold water and I can guarantee shrinkage. :P

My take from this is goddamn, Jimmy Johnson is so fucking good. I have no clue how he got punted into another car, then the wall, wrecked his right front, and recovered and drove away from that. Dude’s a jedi master.

This is really great. My wife has a turbo Miata, the engines were made for boost (literally, it’s the 323 GTX engine). Hers has 70K+ turbo miles on it, with about a conservative 8,000 of those on tracks doing HPDE events since 2000. Removing 800 lbs can only make things better.

TL;DR: If you didn’t die, it was a good adventure.

Isn’t the most perfect Vangate that one owned by Doug DeMuro?

I think Brutus or something for her. She’d look great in it, wearing a hat and goggles.

What? No! Sad Mazdaspeed3 is now sad.

You’re missing the most impressive part - the patient is wearing an invisibility cloak!

If gawker releases a Clarkson sex tape and gets suited, I’d still probably watch it.

in a V8 powered smoothie mixed with brick.


But I want it to be real, so it is