
It's pretty easy to break the speed limit in Canada, what is? like 45mph?

As Top Gear proved yesterday, speed limits should be 112 mph

Zero HP

Untrained assassin Tony Stewart, Busch's NASCAR colleague, had no comment when asked about the case.


That's scary. Imagine how many more cars might have been involved if they'd FUCKING FILMED IT WITH THE PHONE HELD THE RIGHT WAY!

The Raminator

I hate you, time.

I so cannot wait to see this.


If you wanted to make a town feel like it just had an earthquake, wouldn't it be cheaper to get some ginormous subs from a stancebro's stancemobile and just turn up some hip-pop to 11?

Pretty sure Civics can get to 1000mph once VTEC kicks in.

Six years ago my then 3 year old son saw the Santa version of the snowman pan in the catalog and asked me to get it. I did because I was 7 months pregnant and felt guilty about this being his last Christmas without a sibling. WORST DECISION. First, the fancy ass decorations in the catalog were done with fruit

I think im the only one that thought of Arma 3...

Oh my, that Yoshinoya is perfect.

Let's be honest, "for my computer" pretty much IS "something weird".

Then Morgan got their hands on one of these and decided to reproduce it as real car...