
I’ve never been a healer. Was always tank or DPS. The whole remembering cooldowns and cleanses in a fight would be hard to remember. Although I’m sure theres some UI mods (forget what they’re actually called, like the DPS counter) that helps with healing.

Yea, then you get your sold games money as “Iron” that depends onthe market. So basically it’s games and bitcoin rolled into 1 service.

Im good

I was raid lead and main tank. Very rarely did I ever get to do anything other than tank.

It’s all I want. Just 1 container of oreos with all the different flavors in it. So I can try the different flavors out without committing to a whole damn box.
Give me 1 line of regular oreos, 2 lines with 2-3 cookies of each flavor, and 1 line of stuffing to dip my oreos in.

Cuz Diabeetus.

Yea, but I haven’t really and honestly played in years. So I was going off what I knew from back then.

Yea. When Pandaria came out I was actually trying to quest my way through the new area. Just to enjoy it because I knew what would happen once level cap came. Just log on and find something to do. Raid one night, but fail miserably because people didn’t youtube the encounter. End up getting mad and quitting, and then

I don’t know how far I ever got. Was just trying to farm achieves in between raid nights.
I had like 250 pets before the whole WoW pokemon thing. 150 mounts, 10k achieve points. Just doing stuff in between raids.

It’s been so long since I logged in, my wow armory is gone.

Looking at my order history, the last time I

Yea. IIRC, the heirloom gear stops at a certain point and you just have to go to regular old gear. I think it was level 60.

I always just used it in dungeon finder. Just level up like crazy while doing dungeon finder. I’d maybe only have to do a dungeon once or twice before I was out of its level requirements. Made it

Yea. I stopped playing I think during Pandaria. I did some of the raids and so on but lost interest in it. I’ve wanted to play WoW again, but like you, I didn’t feel like doing the same old quests to level. (Granted, I have the +EXP gear for most classes)

I’d be interested in returning, but having someone else to play

Back when I had my charger hellcat, people never thought I could actually afford it or it wasn’t mine. Even the police.

Id go to get in it at the grocery store and someone would say, that has to be your so and so’s car. Or ain’t no way you can afford that. I’d just ignore most of them.

I had a police officer pull me

Maybe if the rider squated down and wasnt a big ass aero drag he’d have won the drag race.

My old Mountaineer. This was the first and only time it ever saw snow.

Do they work thru a case? Like an otterbox? My phones compatible but the work I do dictates an otterbox.

Do they work thru a case? Like an otterbox? My phones compatible but the work I do dictates an otterbox.

This idiot is why Americans cant get into alot of places in Japan. Despite speaking the language and being aware of cultural practices.

The only reason people are buying SUVs is the “sense of security”. Bigger means better in an accident right?

Happened the other night. Was playing world of tanks by myself.

Not a car but a car hauling trailer.

This is why Im almost done with the gaming community. Rather than let a player be good at one character, theyd rather get him banned.

Im a newer rider myself. I just upgraded out of my first starter bike(ninja 500). Rode her for 2 seasons and got alot of experience.

Ive got one on my work truck and the thought has crossed my mind MULTIPLE MULTIPLE times a day.