
In b4 some one says he should switch the tail lights from one side to the other.

This is what would happen if Fancy Kristen and David Tracy got a little too drunk at an office party.

Theres more than 1 good BJ.

I’m content with my Canadian Goose named Steve.

I find its the opposite.

The HOONIGAN Shit Car Daddy?


But how will you get a Mustang riled up enough to wanna try to leave cars and coffee?

Why cant we see a Jeep Scrambler instead?

The fuck is he breaking loose with that?

So they’ll be Bolt-ing to the nearest dealership.

Yea but, lets be honest.

I speed but I speed within a limit and ESPECIALLY not around cops.

Wait so the cops knew your a cock blocker and gave you a ticket?

Good thing mines a 16.

During the earthquake I was military in Japan.

Just like name brand stuff, slap a big name on it, charge more and make people think they’re getting a more premium product.

These guys and their owners. Not just Subarus but the whole fucking dumb ass stance crowd.

Let’s modify a car to the point it’s hardly driveable on the street and slow down every person behind me because I can’t drive over a pothole or speed bump.

Then when they finally do get over the bump or pothole, gotta race back

I’d rather have a boat problem than a heroin problem. At least 1 has MASSIVE upsides.

Could you imagine, being picked up in that.