How to piss off Porsche owners, an IMS bearing fidget spinner.
How to piss off Porsche owners, an IMS bearing fidget spinner.
This was my K swapped 01 Civic. I was stationed in BFE aka Altus Ok. My trans lost 3rd gear a week before a show I was registered in.
Exactly. It has settings to enable quiet time and prevent updates.
People will always bitch about anything. Even if it was there first.
Looks like the county wanted it to stay open. Plus they didnt want houses built around it.
I dont mind them. They’re alright.
Australia and Europe chiming in.
Hide ya ankles, hide ya parking blocks, cuz we’re wrecking em all out here.
He should just stop paying minimums and pay more and I bet Visa would let him race.
77k on an 18 year old car from a now defunct brand? Meth pipe all day.
Theres 50 ft of steel trailer between me and them. Plus the 2 doors that make it a crew cab.
Exactly, gladly shove my 63ft of steel out there. To piss someone off who tried to pass.
Every time Ive seen a cop that saw someone doing it, theyve been given a ticket or a talking too.
I usually just ride half on the shoulder and half on the road with my work truck.
Yea, even having the money to buy it all, the update got old.
The cop got a citation? Is this Altoona, Narnia?
Yea but programming is hard. Ive seen the lines of code it takes to do basic stuff. I dont wanna know what it takes to do that.