
Yea, i wouldn’t have been so nice. Just off to voicemail for everyone.

Great minds think alike. Although i win by a minute.

Dont be so sexist $kay. That was me in those Choo’s.

Cincy cops don’t care about cars driving down the road because they’re too busy helping Canadian geese and doing the running man challenge.

Aint nothing like a girl with no teeth.

You can probably pick up a 5.6 equipped m56 infiniti or maybe even a q70 with the 5.6.

Im from Ohio but my santa is a US person. Lol.

I think if you signed up to send one internationally then you may get an international santa.

I’m doing the imgur SS too. I sent my gifts out already and my giftee already got them.

Now he’ll go on a Crosstour to jail.

The Honda Civic, not to be disrespected.

All this car is, is pure form over function.

Audi come back, you can blame it all on me
VW was wrong, and Porsche just can’t live without you

Why does the guy in the video look like a gay/nerdy version of Jon Snow?

Ive had this user name since Ive lived in Japan. I maybe American, but I visit Japan every year, im applying for citizenship there so I can own property and eventually move and then live there. Also fluent in Japanese, im able to read and write.

I dont get it at all. How desparate/horny are you that you get off to an emote?

The only v8 the GS gets is in the F looking at Lexus’s website.

The GS and Q70 are both mid size sedans, i just dont see them as competition to each other.

I own Infiniti’s version of the LS, the q70 with the 5.6 v8.

Yea, i remember right after the earthquake in 2011 I sat for 6 hrs in view of that bridge.