
My neighbor tried similar shit.

Seems like an expensive trans.

To the people in the grays responding, I’ll reply to you in this and not give your grayed out comment an actual response.

I own a Fit and a Infiniti q70.

Yea, it’s like Im the beacon for them. That’s what sucks. No matter where I am at night, I want to be hidden.

At least you understand the attitude of the me first drivers. Doing shit they’d never do in any other circumstance just to beat someone else to the exit or whatever.

Take that shit elsewhere. This ain’t Fox News/MSNBC/CNN.

I mainly do it to get off the clutch.

Big fucking deal 1 person in the real world uses it. How many other people do you see use it? None.

Who cares, traffic is going to happen regardless of the zipper merge or not. No one uses it anyway.

Only to stop you assholes who fly up from 2 miles back to squeeze into the space we left so we can stop without hitting you.

It’s called 7 Days to Die.

That’s exactly the problem. It’s not a right but a privilege to be able to drive. People can’t drive. can’t zipper method for merging, can’t do this or that.

He couldn’t Escape death.

I think the only thing that annoyed me the most about the video was the way Cortana was pronounced.

Some people are lemmings. They walk into a dealership, buy the first car they see and walk out and off on the path to ownership of a crappy ass car.

Aww the Ford finally gave it what it’s owners use on a daily basis, a big ass cup to drink from.

I can get a 32oz Gatorade bottle in them. The 28oz fits too. As far as giant cups, I’ve got a 128oz refillable cup from some gas station that I just sit on the floor console by the 4x4.

My Ram has 8 cup holding options...

That Honda Accord was sitting there like “Mom, why does Buick get all the cool stuff? I wanna do cartwheels too!”