
At least the Accord makes boring look cool.

Ill take the yellow convertible and the green coupe. Also do you have any Continental GTs? If so, ill take one of those also.

Wait Doug convinced some girl to marry him?

I’ve had bigger dogs before. My last was a rescue that turned out to be the most sweetest dog. She just wanted to be a lapdog. I almost got a pitbull but the city law claims I need a minimum of 250k home owners insurance to keep it around. Plus the dog would be quarantined instantly at the claim of an attack.

Well.. Here I figured my dog was just plain retarded.

Another disciple for the Church of Michelin Man.

All praise to the Michelin Man. For thee Man of Michelin has given that tire his word, and told him to escape from a life of fender rubbing and uneven tire wear. Let us all hope and pray that the tire finds more followers, so more of this stanced disobedience can happen.

His clothes came from a box that fell off an H&M truck.

Votes in Poll, shocked it counted.

This is basically me.

Burger King is appealing to my inner fat guy. I would eat the hell out of that.

Hey Doug, some of us Mustang owners are responsible, civilized people.

I want that diecast RB26 engine. So I can say I have an RB26 under the hood.

I want a helmet that makes me look like Master Chief from Halo.

Sounds like you’re raising them right. Tired of kids being spoiled and bratty.

Opening salvo fired.

Bought one of those and haven’t used air since. The only drawback is that you gotta use it in waves. Couple minutes here, wait, couple mins there, wait, couple mins and eventually you get it done.

Cooked my last one by using it too much while cleaning an old dirty pc.

I get why they get it. But it’s literally 10-15 bikes or more sometimes. Riding down the street revving them. They sound like a Honda with a fart can. Just rev rev rev rev rev rev rev.

I sat in traffic one day next to a group of them. I got my point across that I’d run them over with my semi truck if they kept that revving shit up. I was there for 2 hours, listening to revving. After 20 minutes, I asked them, basically was told fuck you. I got back in the truck and inched it up on the back of the

Got any cool race car parts I could put in my garage?