
We Canadians should just invade, look at that panhandle hanging out there for all the world to see. Alaska is definitely asking for it.

If your religion requires modest dress, then you dress modestly; you don’t get to try and make me follow your rules just because I’m walking nearby. It’s offensive to try and impose your religious beliefs on others.

Absolutely. Diddle little girls, then threaten the family if the girl says anything. They start trapping the women when they’re little girls. Not just like that, but in what they may wear, how they may express themselves, how they may spend their time, who they may speak with, it’s a horror.

And there’s the whole rape/molestation cover-up thing too

We get a lot of ultra-religious groups through work of all corners of religions. But we probably get the most orthodox jewish people, because their schools come visit and their schools are huge. But the reactions are from all of the groups that deem skirts the only acceptable form of female leg covering.

As a Jew: Fuck these Jews. They are the reason Israel will cease to exist — unsurprisingly, since they were trying to kill the state from the start. I’ve begun to be much louder about the cancer they are in the Jewish community, which makes me unpopular, because guilty nonobservant Jews think they solve some kind of

I’m going to have some really devastating jokes to contribute once I get finished reading this post through a hole in a sheet.

May the Lord save us from the horror that is a woman in pants.

GhostBoobs: Come for the gifs, stay for the penis and fat shaming of self-proclaimed rapists =)

Can a Torontonian with some time and knowledge fill in a few readers on why this is especially heinous, now and in this city, in terms of rape culture? The ongoing trial of Jian Ghomeshi for assaulting women across Toronto? Maybe a list of missing and murdered aboriginal women that’s being ignored by the government?

Of course that fucker brags about raping women.

^this should have so many stars.

In order for me to be fully informed as a voter, I am going to need images of Scott Walker’s colon. In fact, I would like transanal ultrasounds of all potential GOP candidates as right now, I cannot decide who is the biggest asshole.

Your sister didn’t learn to tie her shoes until she was fucking seven. So rest happily in the knowledge that your sister is stupid and needed the constant attention or she would have accidentally eaten a fork and died

Republicans have recently announced that they support a minimum wage hike to $15 an hour, and $12 an hour for women.

Your opinion re: the minimum wage don’t impress me much.