
Oh hey, guise, now Trump says that NBC’s license should be challenged because they wrote an article he didn’t like (about him, natch). Watch the world burn, because there’s apparently nothing that can be done to stop him. (I’m hoping it’s just a grumpy “can’t poo” morning tweet because it’s cloudy with bursts of

Were I somehow to get pregnant despite assiduously taking birth control pills (continuously, I might add), the four c-sections I’ve had could contribute to my uterus literally rupturing at the seams, as it were.

I can tell you as an unforgivably old (46), unfuckable mom of 4, it doesn’t matter what I’m wearing, how little or much makeup, how good or shitty my hair is. I’m just a life support system for a cunt* to some of these men, and they’re gonna let me know whether or not their boner approves. I’m not some 22 year old

You’re in the grays. So am I. It happens. No big conspiracy here. And I comment regularly, and I’m a woman.

I would like to add to your gratuitous positive vibes. Let’s make it an avalanche of gratuitous positive vibes.

I teach my daughters to not put up with that shit under any circumstances. Middle and high school is where assholes get bold, and sometimes you have to get loud and in their face to get them to back off. And unwanted physical touch (tits, ass, crotch grabbing, shit like that) has full permission from me to sock the

And then there’s the dudes who totally get off on your discomfiture and up the ante every chance they get. Unfortunately, many of them aren’t just socially awkward or unaware. They’re well of how uncomfortable they’re making the other person, and that’s what they get off on.

If you were able to shut him down then, essentially, nothing happened.

“You know what you call a woman harassed at work who didn’t report it? EMPLOYED.”

How about having a VP pretending to jerk off with his umbrella in your direction, and then telling you that you have no sense of humor when you make a disgusted face?

Gosh, just change your tone from your accusatory, whiny, shrill meanness and gentle it down so they can at least be able to comprehend what you’re saying! Women, you just can’t reason with them when they’re being all hysterical and shit.

For fuck’s sake, is there no subject that men take and make it be all about them? Nothing?

There is literally nothing else he could have done. The door might not have held under a sustained, crazy-angry-man assault. Driving very slowly to the police station (although they didn’t make it there) was about the best outcome they could have had.

And this afternoon, he proclaimed it to be Columbus Day. Because it hasn’t been Columbus Day for, like, decades. THIS IS A NEW THING GUISE JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW I’M PROCLAIMING IT

Even if he knew exactly who threw the bottle, what’s the bus driver supposed to do? Let a clearly irate adult man onto the bus so he can go HAM on some fuckin’ kid doing something stupid? Yeah, that’d go over real well with the kid’s parents, as well as the bus driver’s employer.

I don’t even honk any more. I used to, when I drove my beater old Ram, but now I have a car I’m kinda partial to keeping nice. The last thing I want is some rando asshole kicking a dent in my door because god forbid, I impugned his precious manhood by not being patient enough at a green light for him to finish

Eh, it’s more knowing you can, not necessarily that you should.

Hey, I see no reason to go AWWW YISS IMMA RACECAR DRIVER HOLD MY BEER AND WATCH THIS. I’m perfectly secure in myself to say, “Yep, this is a whole lotta car for a suburban housewife so I’m very careful driving it.” :P

Exactly why I didn’t want to do it. If I wanted a supercharged 392, I would have gone with the GD Hellcat and been done with it.

I have a 392 SRT (2016) and the husband is bugging me to put a supercharger on it. I told him to get his own fucking sportscar and mod it. I can barely handle this one.