
I agree on fixes. We have insurance through the husband’s employer. It’s $590 a month for us with a $12,000 deductible and then 20% after that (for a family of six). However, the other $590 a month is paid for by his employer. This is a smallish company that contracts for the federal government so I’m sure that’s

I have three daughters. Something along the lines of, “Most men are decent human beings, like your dad and your brother. Some, though, are vile pieces of shit. Put up with no crap from them at any time in your life.”

“I’m a guy and I never pee standing up (unless there is absolutely no other choice). It’s impossible to make yourself completely dry afterwards. sorry/tmi”

I wonder how these guys would react if you explained the basic biology to them that as men age, their testosterone drops and their estrogen levels go up?

Because birth control is a woman’s problem. Not a man’s. They don’t have to deal with it, therefore it’s not a problem, and most certainly does not need to be paid for or supplied in any fashion.

Having had a hoarder aunt, I can objectively tell you there’s a difference between having a messy house and a filthy house. Clothes and dishes and papers and toys? Yeah, that’s messy. Trails between the boxes and towering piles of newspapers and 6 year old Pepsis and mice nests? Yeah, that’s filthy. I think

Seven weeks. Eesh. When they’re crawling and walking (like your 14 month old story), they bop, whack, bang, strike, drag, and whallop their noggins on everything no matter how much you watch them like a hawk.

Also a major parenting nightmare - when they get an injury and you do know how it happened.

Shit, if I was watching said baby, I would make a phone call on their cell telling them I accidentally dropped their baby and I think I’m gonna take him to the hospital, just to be sure, this is the place where I’ll be going, I’ll pay the bill, meet me there, OK?

thank you for the clarification, and I’m tremendously sorry for your loss.

I think after what he endured, and what he did, and what he’s having to see go down now, Obama has earned the right to be blissed out 24/7 on the most top-shelf shit there is. I know I would.

It’s, like, I can see what he’s trying to say but it comes out all wrong and baffling and stupid.

Can confirm idiot tourists around wild animals, but was Yellowstone, and the guy was within ten feet of a FUCKING BLACK BEAR on the side of the road. We were going nuts inside the car, yelling at him to get away.

EEEEEEEE *ovaries explode* EEEEEEEE

“And fuck you atheists, you’re gonna live by my God’s law whether you like it or not!”

How about mom of four, four c-sections, another pregnancy could literally kill me, 46 years old, reasonably financially stable, still fertile yet takes birth control pills assiduously (but even they’re not 100%)?

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

*click* *click* *click*

Automatic weapons? Are they millionaires? Because full-auto weapons are insanely, hellishly expensive (like on the order of $30-$50k kind of expensive).

“Warmest condolences”. Is he going to write “My deepest wishes for Christmas and the New Year”?