
I am sincerely sorry for the loss of your mom, and for the inappropriate actions of your MIL and FIL. I feel contact embarrassment over their awfulness. How fucking dreadful of them. :(

At least the Democrats are trying to lube it up a little and make both sides happy, instead of the Republican play of ramming it in dry.

Ten bucks says he welches on the obligation that he owes, now that he’s out of a job. That’ll sure show us ungrateful public, won’t it?

Temporarily opened the lanes. For what? Like, a week? A month?

It’s probably already been said, but personally? I think Trump is pissed this latest incarnation of healthcare didn’t get rammed through, and people are starting to tip to the fact that his “tax reform” is shit, too. Someone needed to be fired to assuage his ego and Price took the hit.

McCain does not have long for this earth. Even optimistically - with a young, healthy person who has no comorbidities in otherwise good health - two years is a really good prognosis. :(

But the highest office in the land is exhorting their bosses to fire them, because he doesn’t agree with their method of peaceful protest. /bangs head

It gets worse. In some corners of the internet *coughgunboardscough*, the response to brown people “complaining” is JESUS CHRIST THEY’RE NOT SLAVES ANY MORE, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, THEY WERE BROUGHT HERE FROM AFRICA, HOW FUCKING UNGRATEFUL CAN THEY BE???

oh, god, fellow GenXer here (born in ‘71). It hurts me to the core to see younger kids (oh, those kids, *raises hoary fist*) repeating the same tired, crass, old bullshit that people in my parents’ generation said.

Yar. I’ve got plenty of backassward jackasses in my own family who hates dem brown people and think they need to sit down and shut up and reflect on just how good they got it in this country, mebbe they should go back to Africa if they think it’s so bad, damned ungrateful jerks and so on.

The shitty part about what you posted is that some people will take it literally - actually and literally and fist pump while saying, ‘THIS GUY GETS IT’.

But if he took the train, he wouldn’t have drink service. And someone’s butt was on that seat. And they’re plastic seats! And they’re hard seats!


I was glued to the coverage of hurricane Irma partly because holy shit that storm, and partly because a house we rent in the Keys was in the cluster of Keys that got the eyewall.

WRT to Korean spas:

Actually, the initial antagonist who ends up being kind of a protagonist (trying not to spoil here) is a tough-as-fuckin-nails young woman in Ozark!

Starred because McMansionHell is my everything and I was SO glad she got a new laptop when her old one broke!

“Do these guys sit in a room and just spitball ways to screw over women? At this point it doesn’t look like they’re trying to do anything else.”

“This bill is all about punishing the sick, the disabled, the old, and especially the poor.”

Who gives a fuck? I mean, women are only slightly more than half the population in the god damn US, who gives a shit if their healthcare is impacted?