
The husband works as a contractor for the US Patent Office. To get his lowly Public Trust clearance, we sweated over his clearance paperwork for TWO FUCKING DAYS, terrified we’d miss something. I filled it out under his direction (lovely handwriting, ftw), he’d read it, I’d re-read it, then he read one more time.

It’s more important that liberals cry oceans of tears, and that there’s some sort of payback for all the women, GLBTQ, and people of color (or, as they put it, “bitches, fags, and n*ggers) who have been systematically oppressing them and TAKIN AWAY THEIR RAHTS over the last eight, obviously interminable, insufferable

I can’t judge, tbh, I’m a god damn smoker. Of cigarettes, no less.

I just tucked 29 years under my belt in March.

I have to fly to California over Memorial Weekend for a funeral and I’m literally stressing about how I’m going to be able to light up when I get to LAX. Yes, the stress of this has made me smoke more, after a nonstop from DC to LAX, I’mma need that sweet, sweet nicotine as soon as it’s legal to do so. Thank you for

Box cutters only worked for one day because, up until then, hijackers wanted transport or to trade the passengers for the release of prisoners.

I saw this and asked MisterDisco, “Wait, can he even do that?”

You guise know it won’t matter fuck-all to his supporters. Right, guise? You know this, right?

All I can say is I’m somehow incredibly grateful that over Memorial Weekend, I will be in the mountains with limited internet, attending a memorial service for my OtherMother who suddenly passed away after a long battle with leukemia...and I will have limited contact with the news because I can’t take this shit any

“It was going to be too hot” Trump apparently said.

So what happened that these dudes in suits felt like they could go flying toward the protesters? I didn’t see anything being thrown or any threatening gestures by the protesters, so they can’t even claim fucking self defense.

Yes, the bleeding, beaten protesters, some of whom were elderly men and women on the ground, while their attackers ran about freely.

How is it these assholes were allowed to go charging across the street to attack people who were doing nothing but exercising their freedoms in our country? There was no shit being flung, nothing lit on fire, just people (as far as I can tell) that were voicing their 1st Amendment disapproval?

If you ever want to see a misogynist lose his shit, either online or in person, try using a combination of the words “calm down”, “emotional”, “hysterical”, or “sorry I hurt your feelings but”.

“It is unfortunate that the debate surrounding his actions while serving in the house have detracted from the good things that we have accomplished this session,”

I like the “convince him to resign” but he clearly has no clue what he’s doing or that he’s doing it wrong.

They learned the hard way. Apparently, now it’s our turn.

The amount of things that this administration and its spawn does to the delight of the dimbulbs in the name of “pissing off liberal snowflakes” should terrify you. I’m in contact with enough of them to realize they would rather the US be a smoking crater than give one more inch to those they have deemed done them

I laughed at this, and oh god, I shouldn’t have because I have to fly over Memorial Weekend. Before you guise jump my shit, it’s for a funeral for the woman who was my OtherMother and I cannot miss this memorial shit let’s make it be all about me.

There are literally friends of friends of mine on Facebook who are saying, “Why is this racist, they’re just doing a protest, nothing to see here, you’re reading too much into it.”