
Speaks truth. My husband is a government contractor, and part of his job is ensuring that the federal employees do their jobs (via metrics). He has said it is astoundingly difficult to get the federal employees to produce their numbers weekly, as they are REQUIRED to do. They ignore his emails and his phone calls;

I’m just curious - and maybe this is just me - but who stands to make, you know, a profit off this massive engineering project?

I’m 5'8.5 and yeah, I just say 5'8 even though I wanna say FIVE EIGHT AND A LOT OF CHANGE BUT NOT QUITE 5'9.

OK that was bad ass.

That tailoring thing sticks in my craw. It’s such a minor thing, which might be why it sticks in my craw. And oh, does it stick.

Um, 10th Amendment doesn’t apply any more?

“Oh, my god, they’re just joking, you feminists have no sense of humor.”

“Baby, hold my purse, Immabout to fuck a bitch up, and by bitch, I mean this muthafucka right here.”

Oh, it’s not really about the sandwich, though. It’s about keeping bitches in the kitchen and under their thumb, where god and mediocre white men had deemed their place to be.

What’s odd is all those angry Trump voters?

Christ, imagine what’s going to happen if he thinks Bibi insulted him by using big words, or China doesn’t fall in line with his gigantic import taxes, or Putin decides to annex, I don’t know, Poland without talking to his pal Trump first. Just imagine how many weeks he could milk off each infraction!

“I think I had a point but I lost it.”

“I’m standing in front of a wall honoring the fallen...here, let me talk about myself some more.”

Why, after...what is it? THREE FUCKING DAYS after the inauguration, they’re still whining about the crowd size being misrepresented?

And a piping hot Apple Pie for your trouble, and your pain.

I have typed myself blue in the fingers over the past few weeks on Facebook and a conservative message board that I’ve been a member of forever educating fucking idiots about the Hyde Amendment, which means their I DONT WANT MUH MONEYS TO PAY FOR ABORTION argument is utterly fucking invalid.

That’s nice. They’re utterly entitled to their opinion, as long as they don’t attempt to legislate my bodily autonomy with their stupid fucking opinion.

Right, like every time I have sex with my husband of nearly 30 years, I just lie back and think of England because there’s no way, you know, I could be into and god forbid enjoy it, or anything. These fuckin’ guys and their smug bullshit answers to everything.

I’m told as a married woman of 45, almost 46, with four planned children, who takes birth control religiously that there are “other holes” or that I should be happy if I’m “blessed” with another life at my advanced maternal age should my BC fail.

Well, if nothing else, it’s a god damn start.