
I heartily second (third?) this.

My first ungreying was Kitchenette; so far, I’m good on Gizmodo but not ONE. DAMNED. JEZEBEL blog and this is where I spent 90% of my time...


How kind they both were to Melania, after Trump not only ditched her at the car, but the AGAIN as he bolted through the door in his “me first” fashion...both Obamas put a hand on her back and graciously ushered her ahead of them.

*cough* cornflower *cough* I’m sorry :(

Department of Energy? Do those fucksticks even know what that department does?

Somehow Twitler didn’t catch that a Wounded Warriors event might require a bit of gravitas. THUMBS UP AYYYY AT LEAST YOU’VE ONLY GOT A TBI INSTEAD OF BOTH LEGS BLOWED OFF AMIRITE AAYYYYYYY

Recent spinal surgery precludes me from going (even the possibility of getting knocked around means I could wind up in the hospital again). I will be watching in solidarity from my couch. Have fun, stay safe. I don’t know if the threats from the alt-right are bullshit or the real deal, but either way, bring your


Cheap AF. Shocker.

Even just a playful chuck in the balls (like you chuck someone under the chin) would have been enough to knock that shit off its tracks.

MisterDisco grabs my pussy for fun. The way I grab his balls (carefully) for fun.

It gets even better...

Of course it’s unfortunate. Otherwise, it’d be a he said/she said situation and they’re already trying super hard to make her out to be a humorless frigid old ice queen who can’t take a simple fuckin joke already jesus lady.

I second this. It sounds like they were in a political argument, and since he was apparently denied the satisfaction of her nodding and saying, “oh, my god, you’re so right and I was so wrong, thanks for cornering me in my office and making me see the light”, he decided to up the ante with an aggressive and

Oh, my god, clearly I misunderstood if he was being all playful and shit.

“And zis is how to mek yourself pritty for ze men. Men love a pritty voman.”

What’s interesting is in some of the more right-leaning areas I check out, they think the following (in no particular order):

If one were to become pregnant, and this law were in place, and one were past the 6 weeks mark, if one were sufficiently financially stable to fly to, say, Toronto and attempt to pay cash for an abortion, would one be able to do so?

Watch these fucksticks decide that people can’t be organ donors any more because you’re technically “alive” in the clinical sense when they harvest your organs.