
Well, you don’t give a fuck about the bitches you don’t own, amirite?

So because they’re shitty football players, they’re not treated any differently than the rest of the student body, right? Right up to the police giving their coach a days’ worth of notice that there was an investigation coming, not like anyone would give that info to the players so they could, like, delete texts or

“If you wanna be a Muslim in our country, YOU GOTTA PAY US TO DO IT.”

I’ve played out a few of those scenarios in my head as well. I’m smaller and faster than her, I imagine if she started my way, I could get out the door before any physical violence was dealt. A solid, well-placed, thunderous WHY DON’T YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP would have likely done wonders. Or maybe not. I’m to the

Pay attention to this. This is what’s going to happen every time someone publicly crosses Trump. Statement made, followed by likely a phone call (never an email or paper trail), hasty retraction made, followed by some RAH RAH I WAS WRONG #DT FOREVAH until no one with any sway will even entertain the thought of

As others have likely said because I have to get back to work, this isn’t about him expressing his opinion, it’s about him hassling another passenger and creating a disturbance. Airlines take a rather dim view of that, last I checked.

Yes, yes, a fictional character from a novel is most definitely alive and well and walking among us. We are so fucked.

Because delicious matzah is delicious?

Why is he covering his mouth like he’s telling his brother the next play in a football game? Are they that concerned about lipreaders?

What is that? It’s either food stuffs or wood stuffs for WOC. You mean to tell me they’re that unimaginative in the marketing department?

+1 if marijuana actually worked on my pain. I’m an old beat-to-shit broad with multiple spine surgeries, knee surgery, foot surgery, you name it. I take 1-2 Norco a day. And that’s it. But it was hella hard for me to find a pharmacy where I didn’t get a fuckin lecture about my “strong” pain meds and “are you sure

Multiple refills? Did she give you paper scripts? Because I have to see my doctor once a month for my piddly Norco script, paper in hand. There’s no refills permitted on the script nor can they call them in.

The fact he thinks that people would have liked Trump even more for being a politically incorrect, racist, misogynistic pig does not bode well for this country of ours. Because he’s probably right.

Oh fucking shitballs, I’m so sorry to hear this!

Honestly, I take Microgestin continuously for no other than reason than 1. to not get pregnant, and 2. to avoid having periods because they are fucking awful. I don’t even need them any more, I’m 45 and have four kids, I’m good, thank you. My period can just fuck right off.

I dunno, MisterDisco is utterly unfazed by it, and from cautious questioning of Numbah One Son and assorted other “sons” (his friends), they all regard it as no big deal.

Half the fucking population deals with menstruation at some point in their lifetimes, barring some unusual health issues.

Totally starred for “Replublicans” :P

I’m an organ donor. How is this possible? I mean, I could be spreading pathogens with all my bits and bobs going to different people when I die. They should probably just outlaw organ donation, or something. It makes about as much sense.

It’s supposed to prevent the “spread of disease”? So what about all of the other body parts and things the body produces that can cause disease? Hell, when they gave me the nuts and bolts and rods they removed from my neck, they autoclaved them first. To get the blood off, I imagine. So I guess instead of