
In this day and age, if someone told me that my husband had to grant permission for me to exercise my right to sterilize myself, I would politely tell them to go fuck themselves. Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary. No fucking way do I need his permission to take the pill, have an IUD, or get surgically sterilized.

Oooh, ooh, and...

Sort of in the same vein, we were watching Vikings last night (LAGERTHA 4-EVER) and they had some aftershow talking about how people doubted whether shieldmaidens were real.

But there’s a law against nepotism, god dammit!

I have no words of wisdom but I’m so sorry about your father and all the other heaping shit on top. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

How’s that old joke go?

It doesn’t matter. Calls to end abortion because it might cause psychological issues for women is a smokescreen. They don’t give a fuck about our well being, mentally or physically.

I guess there’s not much else to do though, is there, with a subject who’s not cooperating? It’s not like they could just sling an adult - no matter the size - over their shoulder and carry them off. The fact it was on a flight was a special kind of asshole move though. Like...what the fuck did she think was going

“Flynn was verbally reprimanded by James R. Clapper Jr., the top intelligence official at the time, who later forced Flynn out of the job “over concerns with his temperament and management.”


I WANTED THAT but we were Poors. :( I had a friend who had one, who’d grown disinterested in it early. I didn’t like her very much, but I would go to her house and put up with her shit just to play with her fashion plates. Terrible, I know.

I remember being on one full flight and had my purse (a large tote) stowed under the seat in front of me. The jackass next to me insisted that he be able to put his laptop bag under the seat in front of me because his backpack was in the seat in front of him. Um, no? I was polite but kept repeating, “No, I’m sorry,

I noticed he stopped for a moment and puffed a bit, then continued heaving-ho.

Yes, he’s going to pummel her with repeated questions, interrupt her, talk over her, imply she’s a liar (or say it outright, I mean we all know women lie about sexual assault, like, all the time, amirite guise?), mock her, mansplain what real PTSD is, mansplain some more about what real rape is, and generally be an

Shit I just replied and then your reply was right below mine. You get the “suicide option” first.

So I’m curious - if being forced to carry a child to term means that I may commit suicide as a result, is that a good enough reason to “permit” me to have an abortion?

I moved from Southern California to North Idaho to Northern Virginia and the wide discrepancy in real estate is astonishing.

6 bedroom, 5.5 bath, 6900 square feet, 3 car garage, office, formal dining living/ in-law quarters in basement, on ten acres. 30 minutes from DC. 3500/month

“Well, that’s what you get for slutting around. Should have kept your knees together, you godless whore. Enjoy welfare on my dollar with your ill-conceived child, trollop.”

Honestly, I’m older (45), not past child-bearing years (WHO NEEDS THIS PERIOD? NOT ME) and have four children of my own and I’m as rabidly pro-choice as they come and am teaching my 3 daughters and 1 son accordingly.