Please to show pic! Blur out your face if concerned about doxxing!
Please to show pic! Blur out your face if concerned about doxxing!
What a lovely way to turn down an autograph!
OMG WHAT BAND?!?!?!?!?
I’m delighted that Cyndi Lauper was a loving and sweet person. I’m also delighted that my mental image of her matches the real person!
They asked you to leave a public elevator so they could talk privately?
I think Donald having to undergo a T5R with Full Scope/Poly would come back as “unfit for clearance”. I really do. Given the shenanigans The Mister had to go through for a lowly NACLC (Public Trust, basically), I can’t see The Don passing the highest clearance in the land without severe misgivings on the part of the…
OK, that tartan Le Creuset set is making me unreasonably angry. And I would eat that apple all by myself like a fuckin’ angry Neanderthal, crouched over and snarling at anyone who gets within a five foot radius.
True story - the main reason I didn’t get a Tesla Model S, due to a windfall, was because MisterDisco was violently opposed to a car that only got 300ish miles on a good day. (that and the $135,000 price tag was a little steep for a “luxury” car interior that resembled a Nissan Altima, honestly.)
I’m so sorry to hear this. Many hugs from an internet stranger on your crushing decision and your loss. {{{{{hugs}}}}}
This fucking bullshit law PASSED. IT FUCKING PASSED
Lady Gaga’s finger-knives in AHS: Hotel would probably do nicely.
Man, I’m 45 years old and most nights I start checking the clock at 10:00 so I can avoid the embarrassment of going to bed before my kids.
Sorels are ugly AF, but they get the job done. I waffled for years debating on Baffins, and just stuck with the Sorels.
Mittens and those stupid little heat packets that seem like a ridiculous luxury but you become downright fucking dependent on them when it dips below 15 degrees.
I’m from SoCal (born and bred, 33 years). I spent 10 years in north Idaho and thought that qualified me to understand what “cold” is. I then moved the DC area and didn’t realize there are whole other layers of fucking COLD when humidity is involved.
Worse - banks didn’t so much as do a crappy job at sticking to the old rules as getting very creative in circumventing, requiring a whole new set of rules like, for instance, don’t put your fucking money into leveraging mortgage-backed securities, you assholes.
The sad part is that people have to often accept someone who’s a total piece of shit because there’s always someone worse down the pike.
But the white people they’re doing it to aren’t of, you know, their class. All those blue-collar, white trash peeps and such. “Not our kind, dear.”
The rallying cry of the Republican party:
Someone actually said, “I really don’t like Trump at all, but no way am I voting for that bitch.” When pressed why, he just kept repeating that she was a bitch.